Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Easter Means to Me- Happy Easter Friends!

As I was enjoying my morning cup of java I began to reflect on the meaning of Easter. I have to admit I am not one for the rules of the church but I do consider myself religious. I do believe in a higher power and I believe in the spirit of what that belief instills in the heart. I'm certain everyone has their own meaning of Easter but since this is my blog I will share the feeling from my heart! lol

I like to keep things simple so when thinking about what this weekend represents for me it is about rebirth, coming alive , love, forgiveness, sharing and compassion. So the story goes, in the end Jesus sacrificed his own life to save others. He didn't think twice about was his purpose.

I believe if you keep this thought in your heart then you embrace the meaning of Easter and it is carried throughout the year. What a beautiful feeling to have and to treat others with. It is a reminder that we are human and we all have our quirks but each of us is wonderful in our own way . We all have the opportunity and strength to make changes, embrace changes and enjoy change. Most of all ...once you love, forgive, and have compassion for yourself is easy to share and extend all those magic qualities to others!

What a perfect season to celebrate Easter..a season where everything comes alive after the harshness of winter..a reminder to us all to enjoy new beginnings, and to come ALIVE and enjoy all the colour in life! Each year we are given the opportunity to see , learn and embrace this message until one year you truly "get it"!

Whatever your meaning of Easter is to you...may you enjoy time with family, friends and sneak in a little chocolate too....that is always fun!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do YOU Enjoy Saving Money?

I was recently introduced to the latest craze on the internet that I have to say intrigued me. With the economy the way it is and the increase in prices of just about everything from food to utlities the average income family is having to really pay attention to spending. I know it certainly forced me to make some changes in how I spend my hard earned dollars!

Remember years ago when paper coupons were a big thing and people would check the papers and cut out any coupon that would offer a savings , if you could save 10% on a tube of toothpaste why not?

With the facination of the internet now so prevelant in everyday life becoming one of the leading marketing channels for business , we now have WagJag, Groupon, Koopon and Redtag hitting the stage in full force.

These on line sites are offering huge saving opportunities for consumers on just about every type of item you can think of. It is a win-win situation all owners are advertising gaining new customers by the dozens, consumers are being offered huge discounts and the Wag Jag's of the world are captilizing on an innovative idea that seems to be working.

Before you charge off to buy something..take a moment and check out these can even set it up so they email you the deal of the day in your area. Deals that crossed my computer were as high as 75% off and greater. The product line is vast from resturants, spa's, kids activities, clothing, trips, life experiences, general intrest lessons in photograhy, bartending etc.. It truly is facinating and it is the real deal!

Come on who doesn't love to save money?
