Monday, December 27, 2010

Personal Mission Statements - Enter 2011 with Purpose!

Writing a personal mission statement may seem daunting or a waste of time. Believe me I have listened to many people frown upon the process! Of course It's been proven time and time again, when you set unrealistic goals , lack the commitment and continue to make excuses the only goal you ever attain is self sabatoge. How productive is that?

A personal mission or vision statement is your written description of what you want to accomplish and who you want to be. For those who have embraced the process it is your visual of how you will achieve success, happiness, joy, love, etc in your life and what that will look and feel like to you when you do. This statement isn't carved in stone , nor does it need to be shared with is your personal visual that you get to play with and rewrite as you see fit.

If you are writing your personal mission statement for the first time..hey I know it's hard..the first time I did it I must have stared at the blank paper for 45 minutes before I wrote something.

Now,it has become as routine as waking up and brushing my teeth every morning. It's something that I have built into my life because I believe it is important ..mentally, physically and emotionally. Anyone who has adopted this practice into their life I haven't heard them say it has been a waste of their time yet!

Please don't wait for the perfect time to sit down and write flash..there will never be a perfect time! When you decide and comitt yourself to self improvement and growth you know the time is now and there are no more excuses!

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Sit your bum down , find some quiet time..and ...

  • Know what your values are...what is important to you and do you incorporate those personal values into your life. Your personal values help direct you to make wise choices and decisions

  • Know your strengths and identify your weaknesses...use and focus on your strengths to help improve upon the weaknesses

  • Set goals..goals are very important and setting SMART goals help us achieve things we say we want and need for ourselves. Your goals are your personal roadmap of where you want to go.
If you aren't quite sure the answers to the above...then begin to seek them out..speaking from experience you must be willing to be totally honest with yourself..find a friend/collegue who is willing to tell you like it is or work with someone who is skilled in helping you discover the answers because you NEED honest feedback.

4 things that lead to successful goal achievement

1. Set SMART goals

2. Be accountable and accept responsiblity for your actions or inaction

3.Have a support network .

4. Be open to change- be persistent and flexible

and remember.....

If YOU think YOU can YOU can!!

All the best for a SAFE and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Memories

This past weekend I was reflecting upon past memories of the holidays. Going thru some old photo's of family and friends and recalling all the laughter and good times had. I am truly grateful and blessed to have had some wonderful experiences over the years and look forward to creating new memories this year with the people in my life.

I recognize the holidays can be a lonely or sad time of year for some for many different reasons and there were times when I too felt sad over the is during those times we must always remember to have hope and believe that those feelings will pass...
Whether you enjoy recalling past Christmas memories, or are excited about creating new ones I hope you find the joy in the season and discover the warmth of giving and spending time with loved ones..
There are Angels among us!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I have discovered through my own journey that once you discover you have a purpose while on this earth , you begin to live a life of purpose. Everything I choose to do has purpose and I have to say it is much more enjoyable
and there are days when I don't even feel like I am working because I love what I do and I am attracting more of what makes me happy into my life...

Living a life of purpose doesn't have to be a huge complicated process. Quite simply it can be as joyful as cheering up a collegue who is having a bad day, playing with a child and laughing with them, holding the elevator door for someone, picking up a piece of garbage off the street and throwing it in the trash even if you were not the one who littered!

The key is discovering what you love to do, what get's you excited and brings a smile to your face and commit to adding more of that into your life every single day...
See the difference..feel the difference..!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tips On Staying Organized During the Holidays

Now that Santa has made his appearance and officially kicked off the Holiday season the decorations in the house are slowly turning from fall colours to spurts of Christmas red and green. The outside lights are up..and in a couple of weeks the tree will make it's way to the living room

For some this time of year is stressful beyond belief ..whether it is searching for the perfect christmas gifts for loved ones, preparing the house for dinner parties , cooking, decorating, wrapping, visiting, dealing with family, ..people get so stressed out wanting to create the perfect setting they forget to enjoy the spirit of the season. Its easy to get caught up in the commerical side of holidays that the true meaning of these times is pushed aside..

Here are a few tips I found useful during the holidays:

  1. Laugh lots and allow yourself to be a kid..enjoy the season thru a childs enthusiam

  2. Remember the spirit of the isn't about being "perfect"..enjoy what you are doing and if you don't enjoy it..stop ..breath..and ask yourself why you are doing it

  3. Use a calender..keep track of events you commit to and pencil in time to do nothing..yes nothing and let the day evolve as it may

  4. Make a list of all the To do items it will help you keep track of things and allow you to prioritize whether it is gift list , food list, decorating list, christmas card list etc

  5. Keep all your gift reciepts in one spot. Get an envelope and each time you buy a gift put the receipt in the envelop. That way when you need them they are not scattered around the house , car or your purse

  6. Time management- Don't leave things to the last minute unless of course you are one of these people who works best under pressure!

  7. Make use of storage bins for your decorations and label things so its easy to find

  8. When you put decorations away from one season to the next don't just throw them in the box ..Christmas lights all tangled oh ya been there done that ..and when the season rolls around again you are frustrated before you even begin!

  9. Get out and play in the snow..yes play in the snow at least once!

  10. Give and speak from your heart..

If you stay organized during the holidays it certainly helps you to enjoy them a lot more..and remember stay calm and don't worry about being "perfect"...

Take control of the holidays don't let them take control of you!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just When You Think Its Impossible!

Have you ever wanted to do something and thought...there is no way I can do that, or I don't have the talent or skill?

Check out this video..People are Awesome http://

When I watched this video all I could think was WOW! These may be extreme accomplishments however it brings to light three very important points:

1. You can do amazing things with practice and hard work. I am sure to achieive what these people did it took hours of trail and error and lots of bumps and bruises before they nailed it!

2. Don't takes perservance , confidence and a great deal of courage to keep going until you achieve your goal. No matter how crazy it is long as it is something you are passionate about..keep going regardless of what others think

3. The importance of support! A support system will help you do great things..surround yourself with people who believe in you and will encourage you to follow your heart!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Dare to be Different

Ever watch someone who isn't afraid to express themselves , who dares to be different? Do you see the sparkle in their eye, the strut in their stride?

Freedom to be yourself ,share your talents and gifts with the people around you,allowing yourself to learn from others...what a wonderful opportunity for growth and to experience joy!

"Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you were born to stand out" Oliver James

Go ahead strut your stuff..our world could use every eye to sparkle..imagine the beauty!


Friday, November 5, 2010

"Value has Value only if its Value is Valued"

A friend sent me this email today , and Bryan Dyson makes a great deal of sense! I am always a little leary of these types of things because you never know if it is truly from the person or not. However, regardless the message is a good one.

In these economic times with the stress of higher prices on just about everything..people are working harder in order to support their families and pay the bills. Stress has a funny way of causing us to lose perspective. Empoyers are asking people to do more for less and the job market has only now started to rebound stress is in the eyes of many.

I thought this was a great reminder to share as the message is simple yet powerful and one we all need a little reminding of from time to time!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween....perfect time to get out and have some fun

Happy Halloween Everyone.
Halloween isn't all about the Candy...ok well maybe for some it is! I have to admitt I looked forward to my son dumping his goodies in the middle of floor and nibbling on a chocolate bar as I ok'd the candy for him to eat. lol
It's a great time to enjoy time with family and friends, and have some fun !

What better time to put that TV flicker down and have some fun with the kids and get in a little exercise !

Here are a few Ideas:

  1. Instead of driving the kids trick or treating , park the car and walk with them

  2. Dress up ..yes Dress up..let yourself be a kid for a night

  3. Take the kids to a corn maze and have a race to see who gets out first

  4. Rake up those leaves and fill a few spider bags and decorate your lawn

  5. Visit a haunted house

  6. Carve some pumpkins. You don't have to have kids to enjoy

  7. Put on some Halloween music and dance..shake what your momma gave you!
Speaking of Music remember some of those Halloween Tunes?

  1. Thriller

  2. Monster Mash

  3. Tubular bells part 1

  4. Time Warp

  5. Ghost Town

  6. Im your boogieman

  7. Boris the Spider

  8. Haunted House

  9. Warewolves of London

  10. Don't fear the reaper

What ever you do...Have Fun ..Be safe and put a little spook in your Halloween!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Sometimes we can take ourselves too seriously. I know speaking for myself, there are days when there is so much to do and so much responsiblity and it can be overwhelming at times...bills to pay, housework, yardwork, laundry, deadlines..blah blah blah you get the picture!

I use to stress out over that kind of stuff but not anymore, well let me rephrase to the level I use to, I still get a little overwhelemed at times. What I have learned is when I do begin to feel a little stressed..I STOP. Yes STOP. I have that right!

I take as much time as I need to regroup...I have to say allowing yourself to be a little goofy and enjoy doing something you love is a perfect way to not take yourself serious! Oh it could be dancing around the livingroom, groovin to the tunes in the car and singing as loud as I can, maybe its rolling in the leaves outside, driving around with my clown nose on, watching a funny movie or show , or hangin out with a friend and laughing....

The point is...don't deny yourself fun..laugh at yourself and be goofy..who cares what others think of you..if the truth be known they want to join you!!!

"If every word I said would make you laugh, I'd talk forever"

have a great day! xo

Monday, October 25, 2010

Time Heals?

How often have you had someone say to you time will heal or it will get better with time? Sound familar? I know for me, whenever someone says this to me It doesn't make me feel better, in fact quite the opposite. I feel as if the person doesn't understand my pain nor respect my feelings .
I know they are wanting to be supportive and it is said with the best of intentions however when you are going thru great heartache the last thing you want to hear are those words.

For anyone who has experienced heartache of any kind, it doesn't matter how big or small you know that time does not heal..its what you do in that time that heals. What is done in that time is different for all of us but what is important is to remember that although you may feel alone at times and no one are never alone and communication is so important.

Everyone is different..everyone deals with things in their own unique way..we have the best of intentions when someone we love is hurting..we want them to feel better and often we don't know how to help them especially when people shut down and stop talking.

From my own experience...a hug sure feels a lot better than hearing the words time will heal or it will get better with time you make use of time helps to heal!
The great thing is ...Life goes on and with support , love, trust, faith and hope..there is light at the end of the tunnel if you are open to seeing it!!
Something to ponder!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How important is a minute to you?

"I have only just a minute
only sixty seconds in it,
didn't seek it, didn't choose it,
but its up to me to use it,
give account if I abuse it,
answer for it if I lose it,
just a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it! " Author Unknown

I heard this poem today, short and simple yet so profound! The value of 1 tiny minute ...ponder that for a moment!

How important is a minute to you?


Sunday, October 10, 2010

10-10-10 A Special Day?

Today is the 10 day of the 10 month of the 10th year, happens every 1000 years they say. Today is also the day my family will celebrate Thanksgiving yes I would say it is a special day. The sun is shining, the air is crisp and the smells of fall and good food are's a great day to be thankful.

May you find something to be thankful for today and use this day to reflect and share with others. Please remember those less fortunate and open your hearts and home if given the chance.



Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hero's Who Inspire!

It is hard to imagine that 30 years ago today Terry Fox set out to inspire a nation and raise money to fight a disease he himself was battling. On one leg, this young man ran a marathon a day for over a 140 days until the cancer haulted his journey. Thirty years later, people from around the world come together to walk or run to continue to raise money because they believe in hope. They believe in and share Terry's dream of one day finding a cure because each person in some way has been touched by this horrible disease. Over a billion dollars has been raised worldwide..and it started with one young man having a dream!

Last weekend, I was filled with emotion as over 4500 people came together to walk 60km in the Weekend to End Women's Cancer..and I can honestly say I had the honor of greeting each one those people and thanking them for taking time out of their life to raise money and to walk.

It is during these times that a person's skin color, sexual preference, religion, sex doesn't matter..during these times people come together to support each other, to share in a dream, to Believe in Hope..people set their ego's aside for a brief moment and is proof that each person's contribution no matter how big or small made a difference. That is inspiring to me.

If you don't think it makes a difference...walk thru the cancer wards, talk to a Dr, a Researcher, talk to someone who's family member is going thru chemo...after you talk..really listen to the message!

Together we can make a starts inside each of us and its a choice we make!

"We Can do no great things, only small things with great love" Mother Teresa


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Great Day For Smiling

Everyday is a great day for smiling! Somedays you might not feel like smiling and that is perfectly ok, we all have those days. Everyday , regardless of what is happening in our lives there is always something you can find that will bring a smile to your face. Its the little things that make you smile and you sometimes don't even realize your doing it!

As the fall air sets in, breathing in that crisp air and recognizing the difference from the summer air makes me smile. It's the sign that soon the leaves will begin to burst into some of the most vibrant colours for our eyes to behold. When they fall to the ground, the sound of the crunching leaves underfoot is music to the ears and the smell of fall dishes such as pumpkin pie, apple crisps and squash soup cooking makes a home a delight to walk into.

Everyday is a great day for smiling....when you have friends and family who support you and are always there to offer an encouraging word or give you a hug!

Have a wonderful day...and find something to smile about today!


Sunday, August 15, 2010


My own life experiences have taught me many things over the years, one in particular keeps coming to the forefront. Always be willing to grab an opportunity that is presented, for you never truly know what that opportunity can teach you , where it will lead you, or who you will meet along the way.

We are all presented with opportunities every single day , some big and some small and regardless of the size, each one is there and ready to teach us something about ourselves and others.

Don't let fear hold you back from embracing that opportunity and enjoying the journey it takes you on. An Open mind allows us to explore life in a free way. A closed mind misses out on so much beauty.

Whatever the was never a waste of time or effort.

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized" Sun Tzu


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Listen to Your Body

Having to make decisions can be tough. It's difficult some times to know the right thing to do because in reality there are consequences to every decision we have to make in life. If you are like me, you made decisions that weren't necessarily the best however you did what you thought was right at the time, with the knowledge you had and the skills you had at that very time.

At the end of the day, it was those decisions that taught me some of the greatests lessons in life.

As I grow older some decisions are still tougher than others but I am much more in tune to listening to my body and when I make decisions they come with a great deal of confidence as my values come into play on a much larger scale than they ever have before. My body lets me know the right thing to do..oddly enough it is one of the greatest teachers we will ever have if we pay attention.

Look in the mirror and trust the person looking back at you!

Many people don't like growing older...for me I am grateful for what age is teaching me!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Help Support The Fight Against Women Cancer

As you all may have heard on the radio, TV, the 60km Weekend to End Women’s Cancer walk is taking place again this year Sept 11-12th in Toronto . In 2006, I embarked on this incredible journey and it truly was an experience I will never forget. The commitment and the passion of each person who dedicated their time to help raise $2000 each and joined together to walk on these two days sharing in a common dream…to find a cure was indeed special ! Often we don’t think one person can make a difference until one person suddenly joins forces with 4999 other one persons which were ultimately supported by thousands of one get the picture..that year over $11 million dollars was raised.

This year I am not walking but I have the privilege to be a volunteer and participate on the Johnson & Johnson pit crew and will be joining other volunteers on Saturday working behind the scenes to support the walkers. Johnson & Johnson Medical has joined forces with other Johnson & Johnson companies and committed to raising $45,000 alone from the Markham facility! The Johnson & Johnson Family is committed to raising $116,500.00.

“Caring for the World… person at a time inspires and unites the people at the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies. We embrace research and science – bringing innovative ideas, products and services to advance the health and well-being of people” together this team is dedicated to achieving this vision.

The JJMP team of walkers are passionate, kind and caring men and women with whom I have the honor to work with every day who have dedicated their time over the last several months fundraising and will walk in Sept to help find a cure in honor of loved ones whom they have either lost, or don’t ever want to lose or be subjected to this horrible disease.

I am asking for your help and support. If you are able to make a small donation to any member of the JJMP team, it would be greatly appreciated . The link below will bring you to the Team Johnson & Johnson site, listed there are all the team members . Select someone from the JJMP team who hasn’t reached their fundraising goal and help them get one step closer. We are dedicated as a team to reach this $45,000 commitment.

Courtney Cole

Cindy Cote

Diane Elliot

Faryar Foroodi

andrea freund

Shannon Henry

Heather Hughes

Vasuki Jeyendran

Pierre Lariviere

Carmen Lattuca

Richelle Little

Tracey MacKinnon

Isabelle Mannella

Melissa McNally

Tom Meevis

Wanda Mendes-Donko

Jennifer Merendino

Karen Morrow

Amanda Ng

Gabby Nobrega

Kristen Paan

Tammy Purdon-Harris

Jeff Smith

Janice Steven

Carole Suckling

Marilyn Tom

Jocelyne Williamson

Once again, thank you for your support . I know I have a caring network who have been touched by this disease in some way, often we aren’t sure exactly how to help and this is a small way in which we each can join together for a common find a cure!

Every donation helps no matter how big or small.

Thank you for helping Team Johnson & Johnson!!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Is there deeper meaning ?

Each year I spend a traditional weekend away with 5 incrediable ladies. Friends who give up a weekend away from family to enjoy the sisterhood of spending 4 days chin wagging, sharing life's ups and downs, laughing and solving the problems of the world with 5 crazy ladies! We have been doing it for 15 years and each weekend is filled with new experiences and memories, a weekend each of us looks forward to.

This year I was paying particular attention to the nature that surrounded me..drawn to it more than I have ever been. The beautiful sunrises, sunsets, the sun bouncing off the water and the dragon flies. Being in the moment wasn't hard to do.

I was particularly drawn to this interesting insect that kept flying around and landing on me.

With my peaked curosity and interest in animal totems I looked up the meaning of the dragon fly.

"Dragonflies carry messages that deal with deeper thought - and they ask that we pay attention to our deeper thoughts and desires.Further symbolic insect meaning of dragonfly comes into play when we observe the dragonfly's mode of transportation as it skitters across the top of water surfaces. This implies that our deeper thoughts are surfacing and we must be mindful of the outcome we wish to have.
The Dragonfly lives a short life, and it knows it must live to the fullest with what it has. This lesson is huge for each of us. When you see a dragonfly, be aware of the gifts it has to offer." source what's your sign

The dragon fly also symbolizes
good luck

What a comforting learning...I knew the dragon fly was hanging around for a reason!

What a beautiful reminder!

Live life to the fullest!


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Purge or not to Purge that is the Question? AHHHHHHHHHHH!

WE all have them somewhere lurking in our homes, our office, our cars, maybe you have them located in all of those locations? Everyday you keep adding to them and it builds and builds until finally we trick our mind and pretend they don't exist. Hoping that some magic genie is going to come and make it all better ,the common self talk is "one day I will get to it" ..BUT each night we go to bed and wake up and its still there....AHHHHHHH!!!!

It's that CLUTTERED space I am talking known as the JUNK drawer, closet, or room!!! Do you know what I am talking about? Afraid to throw anything out because you might need it someday, or it holds sentimental value, or no time to put it away so just throw it in the Junk drawer?

Have you ever noticed how stressed out it makes you when you are disorganized? How much time and energy is wasted looking for things in THAT SPACE?

Being organized , de-cluttering and getting rid of those JUNK spaces in your life has many BENEFITS:

1. You instantly feel better and more relaxed. Who doesn't want less stress in their life?
2. You don't waste time and energy looking for things because you know where things are
3. You can actually save money because you know what you have before you decide to go out and buy something
4. The more organized you are in your personal life helps set a good business impression and can actually improve your professional career
5. If you have kids, you know they pay attention to you ,as you are their role set the tone for living organized...if they see you doing it chances are they learn these good habits
6. You have more time to spend with family and friends and doing things you actually enjoy
7. You create a much more healthier environment

Once you create organization in your home is the start to living a more organized, stress free life all around!

Don't believe me...go ahead tackle that JUNK space today and see how good it feels!

Check out , Margaret has some great tips on how to bring organization back into your home!

Happy Purging!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What makes you smile?

Have you ever paid attention to what makes you smile? We go about our day and probably smile a 100 times and don't even pay attention, or maybe some days it feels like a smile can't even cross your face!

Stop for a moment and think about what makes you you ensure these things are part of your day?

If they are not...what are you going to do to ensure they become part of your day?

Fun Facts about Smiling

Smiling is a great stress reliever

A smile is a universal expression of happiness and recognised as such by all cultures

A smile is the most frequently used facial expression It takes as few as five pairs of facial muscles and as many as all 53 to smile

A smiling person is judged to be more pleasant, attractive, sincere, sociable, and competent than a non-smiling person

A person who studies laughter is called a 'gelotologist'

It costs nothing to smile!

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscagalia

Remember to smile!

Monday, June 14, 2010

One of Those Days!

I was sitting here thinking life has a funny way of throwing us curve balls when we least expect it. Having to deal with something we never expected or planned on can turn what was once a normal day into what seems like utter chaos! Talk about stress a person out!

I have had my share of those days over the years, as I am sure many people have. Each time I had to deal with the situation with the knowledge and the skills I had at the time. Often not handling some situations very well,I fully admitt. Thankfully, one of the joys of learning is with each experience our "curve ball tool kit" expands and gets deeper , we have more information and knowledge in which to draw from! How cool is that!

I remember the first time I brought my son home from the hospital, as a first time mom I was so scared because It felt as if didn't have a clue what I was doing. What did I really know about raising this little person? 17 years later that little baby is now a handsome young man who inspires me and teaches me every day. Somehow we both survived!

I now watch new mom's with their first borns and I can relate to the fear and the excitement in their eyes! They too are starting to build their tool kit which will be rich with knowledge 17 years from now!

Part of that tool kit is having a support network . Thanks to the information highway we now have access to such inspiring people who share their passion and stories with others in hopes of sharing their knowledge and experience. If you keep an open mind there is always something you can learn from everyone..who couldn't use a new tool to add to their collection?!

Nick Vujicic is one individual who shares his passion with people around the world. His story is truly amazing.

When life throws a curve ball we always have a choice and Nick's story is just one of many that helps people to remember ...never give matter how bad a situation seems to be there is always light at the end of the tunnel!

Keep building your tool kit! xox

Sunday, June 6, 2010

To do list be gone for the day!

It is perfectly acceptable to give ourselves permission to set aside that infamous to do list for another day. We all have days when we wake up , and the only thing we want to focus on is doing whatever we want! Finding a good day to celebrate that is up to each of us!
Today for me, everything else can prority list for today is ...spend some time getting lost in painting to see what I can create..relaxing in my lounge chair outside with a good book..and having a chat with my son before he heads off to work!

Appreciating what the day has to offer rather than expecting something from the day is a hidden gem! xo

Monday, May 31, 2010


I wasn't shocked to read a report that children laugh roughly 300 times a day and an adult only 15 times. When did we adults lose this ablity to find so much to laugh at during a day? Children are the experts when it comes to happiness and have an incredible ablity to explore their world with adventure with little worries. As we get older, we start to lose that innocent ablity to see things through simple eyes and wonder. Not to say , because we don't laugh as much we are unhappy, we just have more things to worry about in a day then we did as a child.

Laughter is good for us..the more we add to our day the more benefits we see in ourselves both phyically and mentally.

How can you add more laughter into you life?

Here are a few ideas

1. Play with your kids, be silly and remember what it is like to be a kid again..blow bubbles, have a water fight, dance, have a tea party, play tag. Kids know how to have fun!
2. Check out the joke of the day or cartoons or comic strips
3. Hang out with fun people who enjoy laughing
4. Go see a comedy or rent a funny movie
4 Just laugh – even if you fake it, eventually you will start to laugh for real because you will sound so silly ..give it a works..or watch someone else laugh will find yourself laughing at them laughing!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

From the Heart , Keeping It Real

A huge thank you to everyone who purchased a copy of my book. Opening my heart for the world to see was a risk however I believe strongly in the power of sharing, the magic of hope, the beauty of unconditional love..we are all on a journey that ultimately... leads to the same destination. Your support and comments reconfirm the risk was worth taking! Never be afraid to feel what you need to feel. We are all stronger than we think, life is series of ups and downs giving us an opportunity to learn about ourselves, to allow us to feel and discover the beauty around us when we learn to love our self unconditionally.

Please keep the comments coming , good or bad I enjoy all of them. xox

"Tracey - I gave your book to a friend of mine for Christmas and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He thinks you are a wonderful writer and was VERY impressed with your impressions and definition of lifein your introduction. Coming from him - this is praise indeed - believe me. I have to get another one for myself and I am going to get one for another friend of mine who also enjoys books like this. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year." Beulah (NL)

"I got your book in the mail today and i just had to start reading right away! I plan on reading it it as often as i can and as many times as i can. You are a true inspiration. "I laughed, I cried...".Thank-you for sharing your gift of words and art with us. I just can't say enough without sounding like a blubbering fool. Thanks Tracey" (ON)

"The book is beautiful....a book of life" Bob (ON)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Little Things....

In reading through Neil Pasricha's "The Book Of Awesome", sharing his view of 1000 simple things in life that get overlooked,things that bring happiness to our lives everyday, it got me thinking. Its these simple things that get over looked as people are seaching or waiting for some great "thing" to occur in their life that signifies the goal of happiness has been achieved. Happiness is all around us.

I started to pay attention more to my own "awesome" things that occur daily that bring a smile to my face and bring a sense of joy inside, it reminded me in a way of how children see and appreciate the world, setting aside the complexities adults often mix into their life. The list is large..but here are just a few:

* listening to my son sing his heart out
* a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on very very fresh bread
* having my little dog run and greet me everytime I walk thru the door
*enjoying my morning cup of java on the front deck soaking up the sun, listening to nature as it wakes up
* having a song come on the radio that I haven't heard in ages and singing my heart out
* receiving a text or email from a friend just to say Hi
* the smell of liliacs
* the smell of clean after you finished housework
* I can change my mind whenever I want to
* playing with kids toys in Mcdonalds with a friend..and being a kid for a moment

What is on your "awesome" list? Do you take time to enjoy them and celebrate all those little things that bring joy into your life?


Saturday, May 8, 2010


How do you measure a mother's love? Perhaps described as the greatest deepest love ever known.
Each year that passes I am grateful for my mom, and I appreciate her more and more. As each year passes I am grateful for her words of wisdom when I was confused or troubled, her hugs just because , when I was not feeling well, or when I really screwed up and just needed a hug, her scolding words at times when I was out of line, her ears to listen each and every time I needed someone to talk to, even when I didn't want to listen...even now that I am older and a mom myself..she is my dearest a nutshell her unconditional love I know I always have.

I realize the older I get just how special a mom really is...being a mom myself to a wonderful son, the bond between a mother and her child is one of the greatest blessings and I cherish every moment. Unconditional love is so powerful.

On a funny note..I was also reminded of all the great wisdom our mothers pass on to us and how we use it on our know those "momisms" many of these do you remember? lol

•Money does not grow on trees.
•Don't make that face or it'll freeze in that position.
•If I talked to my mother like you talk to me....
•Always change your underwear; you never know when you'll have an accident.
•Be careful or you'll put your eye out.
•What if everyone jumped off a cliff? Would you do it, too?
•You have enough dirt behind those ears to grow potatoes!
•Close that door! Were you born in a barn?
•If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
•Don't put that in your mouth; you don't know where it's been!
•Be careful what you wish for, it might come true.
•Don't eat those, they will stunt your growth.
•If you don't eat those, you will stunt your growth.
•What's meant to be, is meant to be. (Mom only used this when something bad happened or when you experienced a disappointment.)
•It doesn't matter what you accomplish, I'll always be proud of you.
•I hope that when you grow up, you have kids "Just Like you"!
•Because I'm your mother that's why.
•This is why we can't have nice things.
•If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.
•Eat your vegetables, there are poor children out there that would be happy to have some broccoli to eat!
•If you fall out of that tree and break you leg , don't come running to me.
•I brought you into this world and I can take you OUT !!
•Honestly... You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached!
•Children should be seen and not heard!
Bored! How can you be bored? I was never bored at your age

Do you have momism's you would like to share? Go ahead would love to hear them!!

Happy Mother's Day!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Success is to laugh....

"Success is to laugh often and appreciate give of one's self. To have played and laughed with enthusiam and sung with exultation" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Like many women, on the journey of self discovery its amazing how many times you hear people talk about happiness and the need to find happiness. The expectation that we place on ourselves to seek happiness ..thinking someday happiness will come if you accomplish this or that. So many times I hear...I want to do this but I don't have the time..or when I retire I will do what I enjoy..I'll be happy when I pay off my house, I'll be happy when I get a better job...we become slaves to busy schedules and the almighty "when I" and "someday" ! Will happiness be better later or do we deserve to enjoy it now?

Brook Noel writes "We need happiness every day because that is what inspires and motivates us in other areas of our lives..We can't work the equation backward. Happiness has to be at our roots- at our core- it isn't something we produce through accomplishment" This gives one something to ponder

Happiness exists in the moment...don't put it on a list for something to accomplish ...enjoy and celebrate the simple things in your life today!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Love is.....

"Love is ...being patient, even when you're tired-especially when you're tired" Danae Jacobsen ( age 16).

What a wise young lady. This quote comes from "Things I've Learned Lately" which Danae wrote capturing various things to express what love meant to her.

Do you ever stop to take time and think about what love is..and what does it mean in your life? How do you show and share this emotion?

Do you show people in your life that you care about them often enough?

Here are 10 simple ways to show someone you care:

1. Give someone a "just because" hug
2. Show kindness
3. Give someone a compliment
4. Leave a little note or send a quick email or text saying you are thinking about them and you care
5. Cook dinner or invite someone you care about out and give them your full attention
6. Call someone just to say hi , how are you today
7. Share your dreams with each other
8. Go for a walk together
9. Do something for them you know they would like (massage, draw them a bath, clean their car, offer to do the dishes)
10.Sit quietly together and just be


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Do You Take Time to Enjoy the Simple Things?

Life sure can get hectic in a hurry, in fact it can creep up on you before you know it. Having to juggle family obligations and work can sometimes feel like a daunting task. There's groceries, housework, running kids around , meetings, reports to get down..some days you feel like that beetle juice character and your head is just spinning! When those day's roll around that's when we need to remind ourselves to find time to just stop..take a deep breath...and remember to enjoy the simple things.

Yes the simple things...a hug, a smile, a flower in the garden, maybe its a nice glass of wine, a hot cup of tea, a walk, a hot bath, listening to your favorite tune, dance around the kitchen, a chat on the phone with a friend, the smell of fresh cut grass..whatever it is it's those simple things that help bring balance into our lives.

Seek out and enjoy the simple things in your life!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do you Keep Your Mind Stimulated?

Do you ever feel like your in a slump? I'm sure we all feel like that some days and we go through periods of what I like to call just feeling "blah"! When you keep your mind stimulated it helps to keep you invigorated. It doesn't have to be anything crazy or difficult, it could as simple as playing a new game, taking a different route to work, eating at a new resturant! The point is..challenge your it up to new experiences and thoughts! Go ahead give it a shot..I bet you will be glad you did!

Try out some neat little brain games below!

Have a fantastic day!

Wishing you peace and joy

Monday, April 26, 2010

4 Keys to Setting and Achieving Meaningful Goals- Do you know what they are?

Have you set goals for yourself before and somehow you never seem to stick with them? Do you start out with the best intentions , then over time you lose interest and give up?

Whether you want to lose weight, run 10km, get that promotion, or simply live life to the fullest every starts with YOU..nobody else but YOU!

Setting goals , more importantly setting meaningful goals isn't so daunting and once you learn the skills you can use them effectively year after year.

Take that step , inquire TODAY!

"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. " ~Arnold H. Glasow

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hey Parents - check out a few great resources for nutrition, savings, and for parents to share comments!

I am a firm believer in sharing information. When we have new information available to us it makes us more knowledgeable and informed! Don't be afraid to share a new idea, book, website, recipe, health tip etc etc.!

Have a great day friends!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Looking to Improve your Golf Swing , how about learn 4 keys to achieving your goals?

Hey Folks,

Check out If you live in York Region and are looking for personalized 1 on 1 instruction in a number of areas check out this website. Shawn Rees is a neat guy who created this unique learning experience.

There are lessons in archery, golf , baseball, photshop, social networking, and even personalized life coaching sessions thru Yes You Can Coaching.

What are you waiting for? Take action today.

We would love to talk to you!

Looking FEAR in the FACE

The first song on the radio as I was driving this morning was Pink's Glitter in the Air. The lyrics of this song are fantastic. Pink has grown into a creative artist who captivates her audience. Of course my favorite line " have you ever looked fear in the face and just not cared" What a brilliant line.

We all have fears and I am certain each and everyone of us at some point in our lives has let fear stand in the way of something. Fear isn't such a bad thing, we need a certain element of it to keep us on our toes and alert... we should never be ashamed or afraid to feel what we need to feel.

I keep reminding myself that FEAR stands for false evidence appearing real. Each time I do, I am determined that fear will no longer stop me from doing anything I want to do, nor will it stop me from dealing with situations that must be dealt with. It may be uncomfortable but those situations help us grow , teach us and make us stronger.

The next time fear is looking you in the eye..dig deep inside and look back at it and remember you have the inner strength that can overcome anything. Don't be hard on yourself is hard enough as it is. It really is an amazing feeling..give it a shot..each and everytime it will get easier!

Remember If you think YOU can YOU can!

Peace and love!