Saturday, June 26, 2010

Purge or not to Purge that is the Question? AHHHHHHHHHHH!

WE all have them somewhere lurking in our homes, our office, our cars, maybe you have them located in all of those locations? Everyday you keep adding to them and it builds and builds until finally we trick our mind and pretend they don't exist. Hoping that some magic genie is going to come and make it all better ,the common self talk is "one day I will get to it" ..BUT each night we go to bed and wake up and its still there....AHHHHHHH!!!!

It's that CLUTTERED space I am talking known as the JUNK drawer, closet, or room!!! Do you know what I am talking about? Afraid to throw anything out because you might need it someday, or it holds sentimental value, or no time to put it away so just throw it in the Junk drawer?

Have you ever noticed how stressed out it makes you when you are disorganized? How much time and energy is wasted looking for things in THAT SPACE?

Being organized , de-cluttering and getting rid of those JUNK spaces in your life has many BENEFITS:

1. You instantly feel better and more relaxed. Who doesn't want less stress in their life?
2. You don't waste time and energy looking for things because you know where things are
3. You can actually save money because you know what you have before you decide to go out and buy something
4. The more organized you are in your personal life helps set a good business impression and can actually improve your professional career
5. If you have kids, you know they pay attention to you ,as you are their role set the tone for living organized...if they see you doing it chances are they learn these good habits
6. You have more time to spend with family and friends and doing things you actually enjoy
7. You create a much more healthier environment

Once you create organization in your home is the start to living a more organized, stress free life all around!

Don't believe me...go ahead tackle that JUNK space today and see how good it feels!

Check out , Margaret has some great tips on how to bring organization back into your home!

Happy Purging!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What makes you smile?

Have you ever paid attention to what makes you smile? We go about our day and probably smile a 100 times and don't even pay attention, or maybe some days it feels like a smile can't even cross your face!

Stop for a moment and think about what makes you you ensure these things are part of your day?

If they are not...what are you going to do to ensure they become part of your day?

Fun Facts about Smiling

Smiling is a great stress reliever

A smile is a universal expression of happiness and recognised as such by all cultures

A smile is the most frequently used facial expression It takes as few as five pairs of facial muscles and as many as all 53 to smile

A smiling person is judged to be more pleasant, attractive, sincere, sociable, and competent than a non-smiling person

A person who studies laughter is called a 'gelotologist'

It costs nothing to smile!

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscagalia

Remember to smile!

Monday, June 14, 2010

One of Those Days!

I was sitting here thinking life has a funny way of throwing us curve balls when we least expect it. Having to deal with something we never expected or planned on can turn what was once a normal day into what seems like utter chaos! Talk about stress a person out!

I have had my share of those days over the years, as I am sure many people have. Each time I had to deal with the situation with the knowledge and the skills I had at the time. Often not handling some situations very well,I fully admitt. Thankfully, one of the joys of learning is with each experience our "curve ball tool kit" expands and gets deeper , we have more information and knowledge in which to draw from! How cool is that!

I remember the first time I brought my son home from the hospital, as a first time mom I was so scared because It felt as if didn't have a clue what I was doing. What did I really know about raising this little person? 17 years later that little baby is now a handsome young man who inspires me and teaches me every day. Somehow we both survived!

I now watch new mom's with their first borns and I can relate to the fear and the excitement in their eyes! They too are starting to build their tool kit which will be rich with knowledge 17 years from now!

Part of that tool kit is having a support network . Thanks to the information highway we now have access to such inspiring people who share their passion and stories with others in hopes of sharing their knowledge and experience. If you keep an open mind there is always something you can learn from everyone..who couldn't use a new tool to add to their collection?!

Nick Vujicic is one individual who shares his passion with people around the world. His story is truly amazing.

When life throws a curve ball we always have a choice and Nick's story is just one of many that helps people to remember ...never give matter how bad a situation seems to be there is always light at the end of the tunnel!

Keep building your tool kit! xox

Sunday, June 6, 2010

To do list be gone for the day!

It is perfectly acceptable to give ourselves permission to set aside that infamous to do list for another day. We all have days when we wake up , and the only thing we want to focus on is doing whatever we want! Finding a good day to celebrate that is up to each of us!
Today for me, everything else can prority list for today is ...spend some time getting lost in painting to see what I can create..relaxing in my lounge chair outside with a good book..and having a chat with my son before he heads off to work!

Appreciating what the day has to offer rather than expecting something from the day is a hidden gem! xo