Monday, December 27, 2010

Personal Mission Statements - Enter 2011 with Purpose!

Writing a personal mission statement may seem daunting or a waste of time. Believe me I have listened to many people frown upon the process! Of course It's been proven time and time again, when you set unrealistic goals , lack the commitment and continue to make excuses the only goal you ever attain is self sabatoge. How productive is that?

A personal mission or vision statement is your written description of what you want to accomplish and who you want to be. For those who have embraced the process it is your visual of how you will achieve success, happiness, joy, love, etc in your life and what that will look and feel like to you when you do. This statement isn't carved in stone , nor does it need to be shared with is your personal visual that you get to play with and rewrite as you see fit.

If you are writing your personal mission statement for the first time..hey I know it's hard..the first time I did it I must have stared at the blank paper for 45 minutes before I wrote something.

Now,it has become as routine as waking up and brushing my teeth every morning. It's something that I have built into my life because I believe it is important ..mentally, physically and emotionally. Anyone who has adopted this practice into their life I haven't heard them say it has been a waste of their time yet!

Please don't wait for the perfect time to sit down and write flash..there will never be a perfect time! When you decide and comitt yourself to self improvement and growth you know the time is now and there are no more excuses!

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Sit your bum down , find some quiet time..and ...

  • Know what your values are...what is important to you and do you incorporate those personal values into your life. Your personal values help direct you to make wise choices and decisions

  • Know your strengths and identify your weaknesses...use and focus on your strengths to help improve upon the weaknesses

  • Set goals..goals are very important and setting SMART goals help us achieve things we say we want and need for ourselves. Your goals are your personal roadmap of where you want to go.
If you aren't quite sure the answers to the above...then begin to seek them out..speaking from experience you must be willing to be totally honest with yourself..find a friend/collegue who is willing to tell you like it is or work with someone who is skilled in helping you discover the answers because you NEED honest feedback.

4 things that lead to successful goal achievement

1. Set SMART goals

2. Be accountable and accept responsiblity for your actions or inaction

3.Have a support network .

4. Be open to change- be persistent and flexible

and remember.....

If YOU think YOU can YOU can!!

All the best for a SAFE and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Memories

This past weekend I was reflecting upon past memories of the holidays. Going thru some old photo's of family and friends and recalling all the laughter and good times had. I am truly grateful and blessed to have had some wonderful experiences over the years and look forward to creating new memories this year with the people in my life.

I recognize the holidays can be a lonely or sad time of year for some for many different reasons and there were times when I too felt sad over the is during those times we must always remember to have hope and believe that those feelings will pass...
Whether you enjoy recalling past Christmas memories, or are excited about creating new ones I hope you find the joy in the season and discover the warmth of giving and spending time with loved ones..
There are Angels among us!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I have discovered through my own journey that once you discover you have a purpose while on this earth , you begin to live a life of purpose. Everything I choose to do has purpose and I have to say it is much more enjoyable
and there are days when I don't even feel like I am working because I love what I do and I am attracting more of what makes me happy into my life...

Living a life of purpose doesn't have to be a huge complicated process. Quite simply it can be as joyful as cheering up a collegue who is having a bad day, playing with a child and laughing with them, holding the elevator door for someone, picking up a piece of garbage off the street and throwing it in the trash even if you were not the one who littered!

The key is discovering what you love to do, what get's you excited and brings a smile to your face and commit to adding more of that into your life every single day...
See the difference..feel the difference..!