Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Calling On All Prayers

Today a dear friend's son is undergoing kidney Transplant surgery. His journey up to this day has been incrediable. It has been a long road and to wake up one morning feeling healthy to the next day learning your kidney is no longer functioning and you require dialysis every day to keep you alive seems unimaginable, yet it was reality. His name is Philip..he is a son, a husband, a brother and a special daddy to two beautiful little girls.

This may sound corny to some..but I am asking thru this post for everyone who reads this to take a moment to say a prayer to whatever higher spirit you believe in for Philip and his family. I figure I am one person who can pray but I hear there is power in prayer so the more people who can extend a loving thought the better the chances for Philip and his family. I know I have had a few prayers answered over the years. I have read about prayer circles and the difference it can make. I believe in hope..I believe in Christmas miracles..and I believe in the love of my friends who are kind and generous and extend themselves in simple ways..and yes even to people they don't even know.

This request doesn't cost a dime and it really won't take up much of your day..a simple healing prayer it does have the potential to make a world of difference! Even if you don't believe in prayer ..sending positive vibes and thoughts I know will help.

One of my favorite young poets who left the world far to early once said.." if a person cannot hear their own Heartsong because life has been too loud or dark, or difficult for their spirit , then we should offer to let them borrow our Heartsong"

Thank you..xo

Monday, December 12, 2011

A letter to Whomever

Dear Whomever:

I think if I hear another person express their displeasure in the perception that they can't say Merry Christmas I am going to lose my mind. I know everyone has a right to express their opinion, and this is why I feel compelled to write. I have listened to your opinion now please be tolerant and listen to mine. The key word here is "tolerance". In the first place, who is telling you , you can no longer say Merry Christmas and you must say Happy Holidays?. Who is taking away your right to celebrate or your Christmas spirit?

Over the course of my career, I have had the wonderful privilage of working with people of all religions, colours, race, and sexual orientations. I have friends who are muslim, Hindu, Catholic, United, Anglican, Jewish, white, black, American, Jamican, Mexican, Chinese, Polish..you get the drift..and over the course of getting to know these people not one of them ever said to me "please don't say Merry Christmas it is offensive". In fact, my experience has been quite the opposite , these people love to learn about our Canadian traditions and holidays and are more than happy to let us celebrate. Just as I was more than happy to learn about their traditions and holidays and let them celebrate. Those who for religious reasons who couldn't participate graciously took the time to explain. I was grateful for that as it helped me to learn.

One of the greatest trainings I ever took was one on Diversity. Boy did it open my eyes to the prejudices that exist. It forced me to look within myself and challenge my own thinking. During that course, every person was moved to tears, grown men and women as they faced their own beliefs and listened to how hurtful the sterotypes and ignorant thinking can be. Being tolerant doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone's beliefs or traditions but it means you accept their right to have them, just as they do yours.

The only way to create peace is to stop spreading the intolerance and these crazy messages. I fear these types of things creates a vicious cycle no matter what culture you are from. It has to start within each of us.

I am not perfect by no stretch of the imagination, but one thing I have learned..everyone is human..everyone has a heart and feelings. So please before you go passing judgement on a particular race stop and think about how your comments are representing your own values and beliefs.

No matter what religion you are..the teaching is the same be kind, and tolerant of all people. Anything different is some human's personal interpretation which is biased.

It's ok to be angry at people who steal, cheat, murder, and commit crimes, people who screw the system..but remember it isn't simply one race of people who do that..there are bad people in all cultures. Canadian laws and company policies are not perfect but they are written to create some sense of fairness for all. Be upset at the law or the policy if it is unfair, understand why it was written first before attacking a race of people that you don't even know. If you have a friend of that race or culture did you ever stop to think how your comments might make them feel?

So dear Whomever..this is my opinion and please be mindful that there lies a responsiblity with each of us to educate ourselves, and most of all communicate kindly. I think if you took the time to speak to a person of colour, or from a different culture I think you might just find, they would love for you to say Merry Christmas. They enjoy like you the spirit of family and friends, it may be different but it doesn't mean they value it any less.The question you need to ask yourself is can you find it within yourself to say Happy Hannuka or Eid Mubarak.

Please remember everytime the need to share these general statements that "they" say your right is being taken away.. is one less opportunity to simply say "Merry Christmas" . When you find out who "they" are maybe sit down with them and ask "why"..I know I have yet to come across anyone who has said I have to stop celebrating.

So to Whomever takes the time to read this letter..I wish you the happiest of holidays, Happy Hannuka , a very Merry christmas, Feliz Navidad, 'Wesołych Świąt' ,Sung Tan Chuk Ha.



Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time Flies You Are the Pilot


If you are like me, you probably wonder where you will ever find the time to do all the things you want to do, need to do or have to do. There are many demands on our time coming from many different angles. At times it can seem overwhelming to the point , we simply begin to procrastinate and we end up doing nothing and accomplishing nothing.
Oh I have been there a time or two let me admit right now. I also think there are times when it is perfectly ok to allow ourselves to simply do nothing. We need that breather to sit back, and re focus.
I have learned over the years however, that we can control time instead of letting time control us. When you are clear on your personal mission it becomes easier to manage time. You learn to use your time wisely. As I mentioned before there are things in life that we have to do, we need to do, and we want to do.
The have to do's are requirements like: have to go to work , if you have children you have to look after them, get my drift.
The need to do's are : we need to eat and exercise if we are to stay healthy, we need family and friends to support us, we need money in order to buy the necessities of life to support ourseleves and our families.
Then we come to the want to do's. This is our bucket list if you will. All the things we want to have but we don't really need in order to survive. We want nice cars, to take trips, dream house, more money..everyone has their want list.
If we are not careful time can sneak up on you to the point that you end up not balancing the three and the next thing you end up saying to yourself, your family, your friends is " I don't have time" When in fact, we all have the same amount of time ,24 hours in a day. How you are choosing to use the time you have is the trick. It is a mistake we all make. Sorry if that sounds harsh..but it is the reality. If you truly take the time to think about how much time you waste that you could devote to the areas that hold the most meaning to you, you would shake your head.
For example: if you say you value family and friends - How much time do you spend with them nuturing your relationships? If you are devoted to having your dream job - How much time do you spend time improving your skills, making contacts, working hard? Or do you spend more time in front of the TV , playing computer games? Do you constantly accept invites to spend your time doing something you totally hate? You get where I am going here right?
There is time available to us always...we simply have to ask ourselves if we use it wisely and is the balance there. If it isn't..you always have choices!! Ultimately the decision is yours..you are the Pilot!!
I have only just a minute,
Only sixty seconds in it,
Didn’t seek it,
didn’t choose it,
But it’s up to me to use it,
Give account if I abuse it,
Answer for it if I lose it,
Just a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it

A few quick tips on time management:

  • know your have to's, needs' to and want to's

  • know what is important to you

  • be prepared to say No once in awhile ..or even Yes figure out the right balance

  • be prepared and willing to make changes

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Something I wrote: THE WORLD IS CHANGING

I was inspired to write this poem a few months back as parts of the middle east were fighting for their freedom and overturning rulers , mother nature was showing her power with the devasting effects of hurricanes, tornados and tsunamis. Despite the negativity, what I believe is important to focus on is how these events are bringing people together. Helping one another..
Within my own little world, dealing with my own troubles at times ,which in comparsion seem miniscule. When everyday stress seems to feel overwhelming I have to keep reminding myself of all there is to be grateful for. Change starts inside. It is hard work..it is constant work..can I do it..YES I CAN..can you do it YES YOU CAN!!

I do hope you enjoy..and share this message..my hope is for this poem to circulate around the world!

The World is Changing

The world is changing before my eyes

As rulers crumble and leaders rise

In every flower bursts a smile

The richness of colors I sit for awhile

To revel in the hope such a simple joy brings

Listen to the music playing as the angel sweetly sings

Overwhelming at times to comprehend how anger and hate stifle the air

With each raging fist and evil stare

People still fighting for a right to vote, to revenge a death, to love another

Why is it so hard to regard each other as a sister and brother?

It makes you wonder if we are ever truly free

When internally you discover you must let go so you can begin to see

Set aside your arrogance and ego for a time

Put yourself in the shoes of another it isn’t such a crime

Mother Nature is the mightiest force we will ever see

With conviction she is teaching lessons for you and me

All over the world homes, families, trinkets capturing memories are swiftly lost

The lessons of strength are being taught at a cost

A different set of emotions now fill the air

Is any of this just or fair?

As people find strength to begin from scratch

Hearts sheltered in hope like a hole in a pair of jeans with a brand new patch

I sit quietly and think about this emotion I am a hostage to that I can’t control

Its peace and love that resides deep in my soul

All of this anger and hate will it rid this world it’s hard to imagine and see

All I know for sure is that it can start with me

It doesn’t take long to feel the kindness from a warm embrace

To be captivated by the love and tenderness in a strangers face

It’s this kind of optimism that inspires me to the core of my soul

Living each day feeling grateful my striving goal

The world is changing before my eyes

As rulers crumble and leaders rise

Tracey Speares Copywrite ( 2011)

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Little Things can = BIG results

Have you ever noticed that life can get hectic at times? You can go to bed and everything is fine in your world and the very next day all hell can break lose and you are shaking your head wondering what happened? If you are like me..I'm sure this has happened once or twice in your life. lol

One thing I have learned about myself during these times is that its the "little things" that help to keep things in perspective and during times of stress we all need "the little things". Taking time to value and enjoy those little things give us strength to get thru the tough stuff. What do I mean by "the little things"? For me..the little things are:

  • Watching the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the evening

  • Going for a walk and paying attention to the flowers, the trees and appreciating the beauty

  • Experimenting in the kitchen and creating a new dish

  • Listening to my favorite music and discovering new sounds

  • Getting lost in a good book for a few hours

  • Sitting with a friend over a cup of java or a glass of wine and laughing

  • Spending time with family

  • Endulging in a piece of chocolate and not worrying about the calories

  • Listening to the wind blow thru the trees

  • A little cuddle time with my dog

  • Playing with the kids and allowing myself to be a kid

  • Watching the classic oldie TV sitcoms like The Cosby Show, Archie Bunker, Carol Burnett, Gilligan's Island

  • Doing absolutely NOTHING and wasting a whole day doing it!

Remember "the little things" and whatever yours are...be grateful for them and don't be afraid to lean on them when you need to ..they will generate BIG RESULTS!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

BlueBerry Ice Cream...That is good for you!!!!

I picked up Clean Eating magazine this weekend , one of my favorite reads to learn about healthy eating and get some ideas for eating healthier. As I was skimming thru all of the mouth watering reciepes I came across a receipe that I thought was worth sharing given blueberry season is approaching and having fresh blueberries to work with is fantastic! Not to mention it was dessert and one you don't have to feel guilty eating!!! lol Having lived in Newfoundland one fond memory was going blueberry picking with my family. My grandmother would pack a little lunch and off we would go with our buckets. I never realized until much later in life how peaceful and enjoyable it was. I think I would eat more berries then I ever picked! The best part was knowing what was going to come from all this effort..my grandmother's homemade blueberry pie or blue berry grunt! I guess that is where my love for blueberry's came from. There were no pesticides, no worry about chemicals just good old fruit fresh from the land..what a priceless gift that should't be taken for granted.


  • 2 cups of fresh blueberriers

  • 1 1/2 cups of nonfat plain greek yogurt

  • 1/4 cup raw honey

  • 1/4 cup 100% orange juice

  • seeds 1 vanilla bean, pod discarded

Prepare:In a food processor, add all the ice cream ingredients. Puree until just combined about 2 minutes, scrape down sides of bowl. Spoon ice cream mixture into a shallow 9x9 inch freezer safe container. Place container in the freezer for 30 minutes or until mixture begins to freeze slightly. Remove from the freezer, scrape the edges with spautula and mix with a whisk, blend the ice crystals until creamy again. Return to freezer for additional 30 minutes, repeat 2x. Return to freezer until hardened approx 2 to 3 hours.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Where Eagles Fly!

Today I did one of the craziest things I have ever done, went Hang Gliding!

It was an item on my bucket list , I knew I wanted to do before I died and it seemed like the right time to do. One of those things where as Pink so sweetly puts it "look fear in the face and say I just don't care". I knew I had to face my fear and just go do it. Forget about negative aspects of the fear of "what if "..and remember the positives of "what if"..

To be in the air soaring thru the wind like a bird was breath taking. The view from 1500ft was magnificant, there was so much to see I was afraid I wouldn't be able to take it all in. It was being in that "moment" that made me smile.

There are times in life we need to take ourselves out of our comfort zone and push the limit. Change can be a scary thing but when you realize and I mean really realize that there isn't anything you can't do once you set your mind to it..you know that you have the courage and the strength to face any change head on! Doing something completely out of your daily routine is also good for the soul..and your spirit.

The only way to face your fears is head on!! "If you think you can , you can! "

What's next for this lady I wonder!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Proud to be Canadian!

Happy Canada Everyone! Its a beautiful warm sunny day today , at least in this part of Canada where I am enjoying my morning java. I was reflecting on what it means to be Canadian and the famous people and hero's like Terry Fox, Rick Hansen, Michael J Fox, Celine Dion, Ann Murray, Jann Arden, Gordon Lightfoot, Margaret Atwood, Romeo Dallaire etc.. who have done remarkable things over the years for this country and the people. There is so much history in this country that has yet to be learned about the Inuit, MicMac's, the early decendents , Memorial day and the role our veterans played , the list goes on...so we may live in a country of freedom. Is our Country perfect? Of course not. However, the history, the beautiful landscape , and richness of culture that each province offers is amazing and something to be grateful for.

I also find myself thinking of the many Canadian hero's that go unnoticed..those Canadian's who take time to help others, who travel to many parts of the world to build schools, wells, hospitals..who help in search and rescue efforts, clean up after tornados, tsunamis, hurricanes. Those hero's who are stationed overseas and continue to fight against evil people and protect people living in those countries. The everyday hero's who put on a uniform , whether it be a police, fire fighter, nurse, Dr, ambulance and are ready to risk their own lives to serve others. The volunteers who generously give of their time to coach kids, go to old age homes, hold a hand of someone in a hospital. The family and friends who help each other, their neighbours..

I am proud to be a Canadian and I am proud of the kind , and gentle hearts that are so willing to give of themselves to help this world.

Enjoy the spirit of this day...eh! xo

Friday, June 24, 2011

Is Hard Cover Losing It's Place On The Shelf?

OMG..I can't seem to pull the trigger and jump on the electronic reader band wagon. I have for the past year debated about buying an eletronic reader because I am simply running out of space to house my collection of books.

Not wanting to feel like an archaic dinosaur, I started to open my mind to the possiblity it might be time to bite the bullet and invest in a Kobo or a Kindle, IPAD..etc...join the land of the electronic gadgets. Good God ,you can drive yourself insane with all the choices. How do you know what to buy. Each person you ask , has their own personal preference. After much investigation I have to say I am swaying toward the Kobo, not sure why other than it seems simple, it has the look of a book and it gives the feel like you are turning the pages.

I am a reader and I love my books..I love taking 3 hours + and roaming Chapters and picking up the books , there is something about holding a book that gets my juices flowing. Its turning the pages, and flipping over one end of a page to hold your spot , its reading in the bathtub and you know its a good book when its underlined and the pages are krinkled. I grew up with books, loved to be in the library surrounded by books..promised myself I would read them all one day! Kind of geeky eh! lol

One of my dreams was to own a home that had one room dedicated to books..with wall to wall shelves of books ..as my Aunt use to say..a lady should always have a "me room" a place where she could go that had all her favorite things. Don't get me wrong this lady has a "me room" and it has books but not the wall to wall shelves..lol

Downloading a book in an instant, storing 300+ books in one spot and having them all at your fingertips and not sacrificing space..seems like a good trade off and is tempting.

Will I cave to the electronic junky pressure or remain an archaic dinasaur forever loyal to the feel of turning the pages ?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Perspective

It seems like forever since my last blog post. In the eyes of some I may not be considered a very good blogger. lol. If I am to be truthful, this site is meant to be uplifting and inspiring and I want to write about things that have meaning to me..not just ramble on and in the last few weeks my brain has been overloaded with thoughts..so much so I found it hard to write. Go figure!

Being a mom has to be one of the most rewarding yet toughest jobs in the world . There is always so much change to wrap your head around...within the next week..my only son will Graduate high school..and he begins a new jouney ...he turns 18 in a month and is no longer my little boy but a man..in September he begins College and his journey into a whole new world begins. Your role as a mom changes and through out each stage sometimes without even recognizing it happen you adjust..but the reality has come the final apron string is untied and my little caterpiller is going to spread his wings and be the most amazing butterfly..he doesn't even realize how amazing he is and how much I love him.

As you come to terms with this..you realize for 18 years your sole job as a mom was to love, protect, teach, inspire, encourage, this little person you brought into the world and now..he takes all of that as he ventures out into new territory..and you take all you have learned into new territory as your role sweetly changes once again.

I realized this past weekend ..ok not really realized because I already knew .. but needed a gentle reminder that sometimes all we need to do is allow ourselves to change our perspective on how we see, think and feel about things and soon we can see things in a new light. We all need that from time to time...we can't allow our own ego to keep us stuck in a mindframe that stuffles our understanding, ability to show kindness, love or compassion. If we do, how can you truly enjoy all life has to offer and the beautiful people in it who want to share it with us?

What ever changes are happening in your life..Be true to who you are...Be grateful..Be loving..Be Kind..and don't let other's unkindness and lack of understanding be a reflection of the person you are..its a reflection of who they are at this moment..we are all learning and growing xo

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End of the World?

Did I truly believe the world was going to come to an end on May 21, 2011? NO. I am not exactly certain why there are people who obsess over this kind of stuff and feel the need to instill fear in people. Haven't quite figured that out and to be honest not certain I even want to waste energy trying to.

I have spent the last two years of my life focusing on living a life of purpose ...living my passion and focusing on what brings me joy. I am comitted to not allowing my career to create a stress in my life that takes me back to a place in time where I was losing control over myself. I am comitted to working hard on maintaining a healthy lifestyle where good nutriution and exercise have become part of my new daily routine ..it isn't a chore it is a welcomed inspiration. I am comitted to healing past hurts and looking deep inside myself so that I may use the experiences in my life to help others and to be a better person each and every day. I am committed to maintaining an open mind that will allow me to have the courage to enjoy and experience new adventures. I want to enjoy watching my son grow as he begins to step out on his own..and to revel in the warmth of family time and time spent with friends that I love and adore.

There are days when these commitments to myself can seem daunting but I have learned to trust my body and myself enough to follow the path it leads me down. I am a thinker always have been , always will be and there are days when my mind never seems to stop. I have accepted that role..quite enjoy it actually! It allows me to question, to explore and to learn.

Do I need to worry about the world ending ...NO. We are all going to have the face the harsh reality that our life on this earth will eventually come to an end someday..until that someday comes I think I will use my energy to focus on the next healthy dish I can have fun cooking!

I prefer to Imagine and live with hope...it serves no purpose to live in fear!

In the opening lines of a new poem I wrote called The World is Changing..."The world is changing before my eyes as rulers crumble and leaders rise"

..the world..our world..your world..my world..is forever changing ..don't waste time wondering when it end...embrace it while you still can!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dreams to Remember!

"I've got dreams to remember" what a super way to start a Sunday morning! How many people out there have dreams I wonder? I have to believe everyone!

Today is just as good as any to enjoy those dreams whether you are remembering..have decided to take action and make your dream come true or are in the midst of living your dream!

Whatever stage you are in..never be afraid to dream!


"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have the strength, patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world" Harriet Tubman

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Easter Means to Me- Happy Easter Friends!

As I was enjoying my morning cup of java I began to reflect on the meaning of Easter. I have to admit I am not one for the rules of the church but I do consider myself religious. I do believe in a higher power and I believe in the spirit of what that belief instills in the heart. I'm certain everyone has their own meaning of Easter but since this is my blog I will share the feeling from my heart! lol

I like to keep things simple so when thinking about what this weekend represents for me it is about rebirth, coming alive , love, forgiveness, sharing and compassion. So the story goes, in the end Jesus sacrificed his own life to save others. He didn't think twice about it..it was his purpose.

I believe if you keep this thought in your heart then you embrace the meaning of Easter and it is carried throughout the year. What a beautiful feeling to have and to treat others with. It is a reminder that we are human and we all have our quirks but each of us is wonderful in our own way . We all have the opportunity and strength to make changes, embrace changes and enjoy change. Most of all ...once you love, forgive, and have compassion for yourself ...it is easy to share and extend all those magic qualities to others!

What a perfect season to celebrate Easter..a season where everything comes alive after the harshness of winter..a reminder to us all to enjoy new beginnings, and to come ALIVE and enjoy all the colour in life! Each year we are given the opportunity to see , learn and embrace this message until one year you truly "get it"!

Whatever your meaning of Easter is to you...may you enjoy time with family, friends and sneak in a little chocolate too....that is always fun!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do YOU Enjoy Saving Money?

I was recently introduced to the latest craze on the internet that I have to say intrigued me. With the economy the way it is and the increase in prices of just about everything from food to utlities the average income family is having to really pay attention to spending. I know it certainly forced me to make some changes in how I spend my hard earned dollars!

Remember years ago when paper coupons were a big thing and people would check the papers and cut out any coupon that would offer a savings , if you could save 10% on a tube of toothpaste why not?

With the facination of the internet now so prevelant in everyday life becoming one of the leading marketing channels for business , we now have WagJag, Groupon, Koopon and Redtag hitting the stage in full force.

These on line sites are offering huge saving opportunities for consumers on just about every type of item you can think of. It is a win-win situation all around..business owners are advertising gaining new customers by the dozens, consumers are being offered huge discounts and the Wag Jag's of the world are captilizing on an innovative idea that seems to be working.

Before you charge off to buy something..take a moment and check out these sites..you can even set it up so they email you the deal of the day in your area. Deals that crossed my computer were as high as 75% off and greater. The product line is vast from resturants, spa's, kids activities, clothing, trips, life experiences, general intrest lessons in photograhy, bartending etc.. It truly is facinating and it is the real deal!

Come on who doesn't love to save money?


Saturday, March 5, 2011

You Can't Avoid Stress but YOU can Manage It!

If there is one thing I have learned is that stress can take it's toll on you mentally, physically and emotionally, especially if you don't learn how to manage it. No matter who you are , you have some form of stress in your life at some point,that is the simple reality of life. In the last few years , experiences in my life have taken me down many stressful situations and in some cases I have not made the best choices and mistakes I made a few. Stress made me sick, physically and took its toll mentally. Luckily, I chose to learn from those experiences as I am an optimistic person by nature. I am happy and excited to say today my life is much different.
I am confident when I say my experience has taught that you can manage stress and instead of buckling under the pressure you can rise to the challenge. How is that possible? Well, in my opinion it comes down to how you look at things..and that has to do with your attitude. How we think has a huge impact on our life.

If there is one thing I can say with absolute certainity if you want to stop letting stress manage you , you have to learn to manage it and you have to change the way you approach situations. It all starts with YOU and you willing to make changes.

Here are some tips to help you change your mindset:

1. Start looking at yourself as a problem solver. Rather than wallowing in the issue at this stressing you out..seek ways of solving and believe you me there are always ways!

2. Stop being the victim. Its easy to be the victim but it serves very little purpose after awhile and it is much more useful to feel empowered than feeling disempowered. It is easy to sit and complian and blame everyone else for what has happened. You have to take accountablity for your actions. Whether you dealing with financial, health, relationships you always have a choice and you can control how you react to any situation. It is hard, believe me I know.
3.Look on the bright side. Focusing on the positive side of things is calming and far more productive. Taking a pessimistic view point naturally puts our bodies in a threatening state. Faced with any type of problem rather than catastrophize it , think of positive solutions.

4. Enjoy change. Whenever change is occuring it can be scary and create anxeity. When you view change from a negative viewpoint stress levels can escalate. Thinking of change as a reality of life and exciting helps embrace it in a more non threatening way.

5. Learn to Say NO. Women are often the worst for some reason. We tend to want to be all things to all people. There are times when we have to take a step back when we are feeling a little overwhelmed and be ok with saying NO. You know and understand your energy and time so protect it and use it wisely!

6. Set goals both short and long term. Goals help to organize and bring focus and clarity into our lives. I can't stress enough the importance of this and when you have a clear purpose in life it becomes easier to take charge and manage any stress that enters your life.

7. Strong Relationships. It has been proven that those who manage stress the best have strong support systems. It is important to have people in your life who encourage you, believe in you, listen, want what is best for you and allow you to be who you are.

8. Practice.Hey I know this doesn't happen overnight. We are all human and with any new skill it takes practice. So each time when faced with a new stressful situation if you keep practicing a new way to handling the situation you do start to feel the shift. You will slip from time to time, that is ok. The important thing is being aware!

It is so empowering when you learn that you can manage stress and it doesn't have to manage you!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Families are like Fudge..mostly sweet with a few nuts!

Happy Family Day!
May you enjoy time today with those special people in your life. Families come in all forms. They are your support, the people who are not afraid to tell you like it is when you need to hear it, they love you uncondtionally, they encourage you to be all you can be, and they can frustrate the hell out of you. In the end, they are there for you and you love them!
Whatever your meaning of family is..today is a great day to be grateful for all those people in your life that make life worth the ride!
I know I love my family!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Beat the Winter Blahs!

I guess everyone has been listening to the talk about the Winter blahs or SAD! It certainly has been a winter condusive to such a feeling especially with all the cold and snow.
Not being a big fan of the cold, I have to admit winter isn't my favorite season. For those snowmobile lovers and ski enthusists its a perfect winter.
Don't get me wrong it can be pretty but I am a person who enjoys color and warmth..must be my age! For some reason color seems to motivate , instill energy and make the world a little brighter all the way around!

Let's face it..it isn't overly colorful at this time of year except for the colors you see in people's winter coats, hats or snow suits! Which I have to say there are some jazzy jackets out there!

Might I offer up some tips to help brighten the day if you are looking for a little extra inspiration this time of year for those who are not outdoor winter activity lovers and might be feeling a little blah !

1. Buy yourself some bright colored flowers and keep them on your table
2. Work out..give a new excercise a shot..go for a walk, try zumba..get off the couch!
3. Laugh lots..do something that makes you smile, spend time with people who make you smile..go see a funny movie
4. Surround yourself with positive people. Positive energy motivates us!
5. Indugle and treat yourself to something you love..whether it is a favorite food, drink, movie, spa...you deserve it!
6. Dance your butt off..yes move your mojo to the music..and don't care who is watching
7. Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with whip cream..ok add some baileys too if you are of age!
8. Get frisky..give some love!
9. Hug lots..nothing like a hug to brighten the day
10. Volunteer your time to help others..
11. Go shopping with a girlfriend and guys go to a game or for a drink with a buddy
12. Rent movies and have a theme night
13. Be goofy..spray paint the snow outside your house in different colors!
14. Make sure you are eating healthy!

Enjoy and do what you love... keep those Winter Blahs away..life is too short !!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pondering DRAMA...

"There comes a time in life, when u walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make u laugh, forget the bad and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat u right. Pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of LIFE ... Getting back up is LIVING ........ Re-post if you agree"

I have seen this post on facebook several times now and each time I see it, I read it and it makes me think. I thought about if I agreed or not and I guess after thinking about it I have mixed feelings.

I would like to offer a thought that might cause people think

We all, at one point in our life have created drama in one form or another. What exactly is DRAMA? Whether it was when you were a child and had that temper tantrum when you didn't get your own way or when you were a teenager and your boyfriend or girlfriend broke up with you or kissed another person and you were devasted. Perhaps it was when you lost a parent, a friend, a relative or special person in your life to death. Maybe it was dealing with divorce, or an issue at work, or within your own family.

When you are going thru a difficult time in your life.. you don't always do things correctly , act properly or make the best choices. You do the best you can with the skills you have, and you certainly may not act in a way everyone else expects you to.

When faced with challenges did you need support, someone to talk to, to help you , to listen to you, to just give you a hug, to be on your side? What if the people you loved walked away from you..what if they didn't want to have any part of your drama? How would you feel?

Is friendship, family and unconditional love not about caring for people regardless and not judging them but rather supporting them in good times and bad times?

Do you give up on your children everytime they make a mistake or behave inappropriate..how about the friend who loses their job has a family, mortage to pay, and is maybe having marital issues do you expect them to be of rational mind or is it reasonable to think they are stressed, worried ,scared? What about the people in Austrailia and Brazil who have lost their homes, in some cases family, have nothing but the clothes on their back..you see them crying, devasted, stressed, scared..that is DRAMA is it not? Would you walk away from them?

I agree there are times when we do need to remove ourselves from certain situations especially if people are not treating you well and you have done all you can to communicate how their actions are hurting you either mentally or physically. There is a proper place for having to remove toxic people.

Before you go removing someone from your life and judge them..be careful because one day and trust me that day will come when you have your own drama and you may not react or act appropriatly ..the people you remove may not be there for you and they may be the very people you need or can give you support because they have been thru what you are going thru!

What I do agree with is ,we should surround oursleves with people who love us and want the best for us, treat us kindly , love them and cherish them. Life is too short to waste.

Those who are wise understand no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes..unconditional love is a gift

Be gentle with your heart and with the hearts of others because you really don't know what people are going thru or what their coping skills are at the time..if you aren't prepared to ask or communicate that's ok but don't blame others ..it's yourself you really should take a look at!

If you have knowledge to share that could help them is it really that hard to show some compassion, empathy and support..or is it just easier to walk away and turn the other cheek?

Just my opinion and something to ponder...


Saturday, January 8, 2011

To Diet That is the Question..Attitude Attitude Attitude!

As each New Year begins one of the main topics of conversation always seems to be weight loss and exercise. We get flooded with information from TV, radio, fliers, books on how to lose weight, exercise, every year a new diet is added and new exercise gadgets that are designed to quickly and easily lose weight.

We have become a soceity that wants the quick and easy way for everything . Having everything fast has become an expectation. So if we can lose 10 pounds in 8 days or use a gadget for 3 minutes a day and lose 10 pounds why not? Sounds great doesn't it? Let's get real folks...there is no quick or easy way to get healthy..it takes commitment and a true desire to want to change your lifestyle. Sure you may lose 10 pounds in 8 days and feel good for a month or two but chances are within the next 6 months you are going to gain those 10 pounds back plus! For anyone who has done the quick diet thing you know what I'm talking about!

I don't want to criticize those diets or exercise gadgets because I do believe its important for people who feel they need to make a change that its better to start somewhere and do something rather than do nothing. Our society has an issue with obseity and there are many different reasons for that, the important thing is there is the realization that unhealthy lifestyles are dangerous with the greatest cost ..your life! I guess what I want people to remember is don't limit yourself and continue to educate yourself and learn all you can about healthy living.

How many times have you yourself started the year out going ding dong on a diet and exercise and by March it starts to dwindle...by May you start to go back to eating the old way because the sun is shining and barbeque season has started? Then the excuses start....we are all quilty of using every excuse under the sun why we couldn't exercise, or justifying those extra drinks, deserts etc...lol.

Several years ago due to my own health issues I realized I had no choice but to make a lifestyle change. There were no short cuts or quick diets I had to learn how to eat properly for my body. Is it easy , no it is not and there has been a great deal of trial and error because what might work for someone else doesn't work for me.

Each year as I learn more I adopt a more clean eating lifestyle and explore different types of exercise that I enjoy .

What does clean eating mean? Simply put it is eating food in its most natural state, so eating more fruits, vegetables and eliminating as much processed and refined , sugar and gluten type food from my diet is the goal. Being more aware of the types of food I consume and where they come from, especially items made from a long list of incredients that I can't pronounce I think twice about or at least limit.
Hey , I'm not saying I am the expert of healthy eating or exercise because I still enjoy cheating as much as the next person. However, I do have experience with being unhealthy and making that transition to finally adopting and making a lifestyle change that saw me lose 35 lbs and go from a person who couldn't jog to the end of the street to jogging 5km. Do I still have goals to achieve you betcha I do.
I love chocolate and there are some bad foods I still crave every now and then, and I quite often get bored with exercise and it is a challenge sometimes to keep it up , but I don't deprive myself of food I crave and I don't beat myself up when I don't exercise . I eat those foods in moderation and if I miss my exercise one day I make sure I do it the next.

Here's the deal...we all deserve to be healthy and if weight loss and being healthier is on your goal list this year ...remember the most effective ways involve educating yourself about food , your body type, and learning what is going to work for you, incorporating it into your lifestyle so that it works for you and is something you enjoy. Set yourself up for success right from the start..there are many good resources out there take advantage of them...ask questions!

Slick marketing , fancy gadgets, and fly by night diets don't create healthy lifestyles..they are short term solutions to a bigger issue...hard work, dedication, education, commitment and good support are the foundation to maintaining momentum throughout the year and your life!

Wishing you good healthy and happiness , I know I would like you to be around for a long time..life is for living!


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