Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A New Type of Leader

I wrote this poem in 2011 Inspired by the many positive changes we are seeing around the world. The importance of optimism,hope,kindness,forgiveness,sharing,compassion. Here we are in 2016 and it seems fitting again to share but for a different reason from when I originally intended.

In light of the USA election a new type of leader is required, a LEADER in all of us. Leaders that have the tenacity and faith to face the challenges and the opportunities that arise together because quite simply we have no choice!😊
I hope you enjoy reading ! xo

The World is Changing

The world is changing before my eyes
As rulers crumble and leaders rise
In every flower bursts a smile
The richness of colors I sit for awhile
To revel in the hope such a simple joy brings
Listen to the music playing as the angel sweetly sings
Overwhelming at times to comprehend how anger and hate stifle the air
With each raging fist and evil stare
People still fighting for a right to vote, to revenge a death, to love another
Why is it so hard to regard each other as a sister and brother?
It makes you wonder if we are ever truly free
When internally you discover you must let go so you can begin to see
Set aside your arrogance and ego for a time
Put yourself in the shoes of another it isn’t such a crime
Mother Nature is the mightiest force we will ever see
With conviction she is teaching lessons for you and me
All over the world homes, families, trinkets capturing memories are swiftly lost
The lessons of strength are being taught at a cost
A different set of emotions now fill the air
Is any of this just or fair?
As people find strength to begin from scratch
Hearts sheltered in hope like a hole in a pair of jeans with a brand new patch

I sit quietly and think about this emotion I am a hostage to that I can’t control
Its peace and love that resides deep in my soul

All of this anger and hate will it rid this world it’s hard to imagine and see
All I know for sure is that it can start with me
It doesn’t take long to feel the kindness from a warm embrace
To be captivated by the love and tenderness in a strangers face
It’s this kind of optimism that inspires me to the core of my soul
Living each day feeling grateful my striving goal
The world is changing before my eyes
As rulers crumble and leaders rise
Tracey Speares 
Copyright (May 2011)"

Monday, June 13, 2016

The World Needs Love - Keep Looking with A Loving Heart!

In light of the attack in Orlando and in reading the various comments from political figures, media etc..the angry people who are using this as an excuse to fight hate with hate...
I wish not to comment from a political viewpoint but from my heart's viewpoint. These extreme unthinkable violent acts that are being committed by troubled souls Guess What?
I will not allow you to fill my heart with hate
I will not allow you make me fear or judge people of certain religions, sexual preference or humans in general
I will not allow you to make me fear going out in public
But here is what you have done for me...
I WILL continue to pray for the families and friends of the victims
I WILL focus more attention on LOVE and spreading it where I can
I WILL find creative ways to ensure people of all religions, sexual preferences feel welcomed, supported and treated with respect
I WILL continue to be kind & compassionate 
I WILL continue to dream of a world living in peace
"YOU MAY SAY I'm Dreamer...but I'm NOT the ONLY one..
I hope some day you will join us and the world will live as ONE!"

Friday, April 15, 2016

Spring Cleaning Your Mind. What a Concept!!!

Spring is such a wonderful time of the year as everything starts to awaken from hibernation. The birds are chirping, the tree buds are waiting to burst, the tulips are poking through the ground and people are itching to get outside to feel the warmth of the sunshine! 

Spring feels like the season that re-energizes us after a long winter ,  as warm breezes replace the cold winds.  Mother nature reawakens and we somehow come alive ready to start Spring cleaning! Windows are washed, closets are cleaned out, yards are raked and gardens prepped for flowers and seems like the thing to do! We spend time focusing on our homes and gardens but what about our minds? Have you ever given thought to Spring cleaning your mind? 
Interesting concept isn't it? It was for me when I first heard it. In fact, I think its a brilliant idea. 

Here are few tips on how to Spring clean your Mind to help put a Spring in your Step and Freshen up your Soul:

  • Throw away all the clutter in your mind that does not serve you! 
    • How much of what you read, watch on TV, and hear on the news is actually helpful to you and contributes to a healthy state of mind? Unplug for a little while from all those inputs and allow your mind to simply absorb the beauty around you. 
    • Take stock of how much negativity you are absorbing and find time in your day to focus on positive inputs.  
    • Are you incorporating things into your day that you enjoy and that bring you joy?
  •  Find time in your day to be still and reflect! 
    • Whether it be first thing in the morning, at lunch or time in the evening, find time to simply sit and be still. Some people enjoy mediating, listening to their favorite tunes, or simply listening to the quiet ..whatever works for you and gives you that time to simply be present in the moment. 
    • Daydream...BE CREATIVE!
  • Get moving! Movement is such an important part of keeping our mind healthy. 
    • Over the winter months its so easy to fall into a routine of sitting on the couch. Get up and get out..go explore your neighbourhood, or local park, find a trail! Call a friend to go with you and allow yourself to get lost in the beauty of nature. 
    • Spring is the time to try a new activity that you have always wanted to try..maybe its yoga, or zumba , bike riding, jogging...whatever it is make sure its something you enjoy! There are lots of activities and groups out there- have the courage to explore 
  • Do something special for yourself. YOU MATTER! 
    • Organize your life , and watch how your mind becomes more organized
    • Clean out those closets and get rid of "stuff" you do not use
    • Clean out your makeup bag, shoe closet, and that junk drawer!
    • Simplify your schedule
    • Learn to say "NO" 
    • Book yourself a "ME" day and don't feel guilty for it
    • Read a book you have been putting off 
    • Book time with a friend and do something fun
    • Allow your creative side to come out- try something new
  • Give up One Bad Habit - we all have them!
    • What is one thing that has been bugging you and weighing you down? Over eating , stress eating, smoking, couch's the time to focus on changing! 
    • Bad Habits are not stress relief even though we convince ourselves they are. They cause us more harm in the end. 
    • Start with something small. Once you convince yourself you have the power to change and can change nothing will stop you. Notice the difference! 
  • Get rid of negative self talk and hang out with Great People! 
    • Past hurts, failures can cause us to have low self esteem or negative images of ourselves. We can get into a pattern of negative beliefs and self talk that does not serve us well. Its toxic to our mind, body and soul. 
    • When a negative thought enters your mind about yourself - replace it with a positive one. Consider journalling, talk to a friend about how you feel. Ask for help.
    • Hang out with great people..people who believe in you , who want the best for you, who encourage you! Find your tribe! Positive support networks are important and you deserve it! Don't be afraid to ask for help and talk about how you feel. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Lessons You Teach

The Yellow Hibiscus is a symbol of Happiness, Sunshine

By all accounts my hibiscus plant really should be dead. Seriously, anyone who knows me , knows my history with flowers. In fairness to the flowers, I did forget to water them on occasion. Knowing the right humidity levels, how to treat leaf damage, bugs, I admit were not on the top of my interest level. I love flowers but if I am honest, I  gave up hope of  ever becoming a green thumb and having the most beautiful garden. Then came along my hibiscus..a beautiful gift from my best friend after my gallbladder surgery.

Coming up on 2 years since I received the plant and its STILL ALIVE!

This isn't an ordinary plant, but rather its extraordinary in my eyes!!!

So far since under my watch, I have washed its roots because it ended up with a disease, this process ended up costing me $500 dollars to have a plumber come to my home to unclog my drains, a day long process ( No, I didn't quite think thru that one first) . In winter months cinnamon is sprinkled around the soil to avoid mold. This year, as leaves were dying , I knew something wasn't right, after much trial and error and research, the plant ended up in my shower to rid it of spider mites. I bring it in the house in the summer during heavy rain and wind storms, it sits under the lights during dull days in the fall and in the winter it has a special place in the window. Finding the right watering frequency during each season has been a chore! 
This plant has tested every ounce of my gardening expertise and patience. Quite frankly it is a lot of work but I LOVE IT so I CARE for it! 

Why put in the effort? Well, I guess the lessons drawn from this flower is the simple's been a journey to say the least:
  • If you want something to grow you must nurture and care for it not only in the optimal times but in the challenging times. Seek out the problem and find a solution
  • Don't be afraid to ask for advice when you are struggling for answers 
  • Don't be afraid to take action even if you make a mistake 
  • Each bloom is magnificent and unique in its own right. No two are the same but they can bring so much joy 
  • Each bloom stays for a moment in time then it dies. The plant must live without that bloom and find a way to carry on. Enjoy it while it lasts!   
  •  With each season you have to adapt to needs. Even if you aren't prepared , if you love something enough you WILL  find a way. Love can grow and bloom once it adapts to the changes
  • When it doesn't feel loved or cared for it will slowly die. You are given warning signs and if you chose to ignore don't be surprised by the outcome.
  • Take time to bask in the beauty of color and the simple little flower.
  • Waking up to a new bloom and watching it as it slowly opens..brings so much joy to this gal's heart.

For every bloom this plant produces that my eyes have witnessed,  I take a picture and each one  shared with my best friend. Its not just my plant anymore , it's our plant. We talk about the beauty,  the lessons and the journey.

Who knew when I received this gift that these lessons would be revealed to me.  It's been an incredible journey . Excited for what this plant has in store in the days, weeks and months to come..! 

Paying attention to the gifts we receive are as important as the gifts we discover inside ourselves..and the gifts that live inside ourselves allow us to give gifts to others! Life is funny like that!