Thursday, May 6, 2010

Success is to laugh....

"Success is to laugh often and appreciate give of one's self. To have played and laughed with enthusiam and sung with exultation" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Like many women, on the journey of self discovery its amazing how many times you hear people talk about happiness and the need to find happiness. The expectation that we place on ourselves to seek happiness ..thinking someday happiness will come if you accomplish this or that. So many times I hear...I want to do this but I don't have the time..or when I retire I will do what I enjoy..I'll be happy when I pay off my house, I'll be happy when I get a better job...we become slaves to busy schedules and the almighty "when I" and "someday" ! Will happiness be better later or do we deserve to enjoy it now?

Brook Noel writes "We need happiness every day because that is what inspires and motivates us in other areas of our lives..We can't work the equation backward. Happiness has to be at our roots- at our core- it isn't something we produce through accomplishment" This gives one something to ponder

Happiness exists in the moment...don't put it on a list for something to accomplish ...enjoy and celebrate the simple things in your life today!


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