Saturday, May 1, 2010

Do You Take Time to Enjoy the Simple Things?

Life sure can get hectic in a hurry, in fact it can creep up on you before you know it. Having to juggle family obligations and work can sometimes feel like a daunting task. There's groceries, housework, running kids around , meetings, reports to get down..some days you feel like that beetle juice character and your head is just spinning! When those day's roll around that's when we need to remind ourselves to find time to just stop..take a deep breath...and remember to enjoy the simple things.

Yes the simple things...a hug, a smile, a flower in the garden, maybe its a nice glass of wine, a hot cup of tea, a walk, a hot bath, listening to your favorite tune, dance around the kitchen, a chat on the phone with a friend, the smell of fresh cut grass..whatever it is it's those simple things that help bring balance into our lives.

Seek out and enjoy the simple things in your life!


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