Sunday, April 29, 2012

In darkness you find light

This past week I had an opportunity to experience what it feels like to be visually impaired. This experience was through a unique dinner event at O'Noir. A neat little restaurant that was established to allow people to feel what life would be like blind. The concept was created by a gentleman who was blind, and he would blindfold guests who came to his home for dinner .He wanted them to  appreciate his world. It was his way of inviting them to learn what his life was like now that he had lost his sight. What better way to teach someone, allow them to walk in your shoes for a even a brief moment in time.
 You are lead into a completely pitch dark room, by your waiter. I do mean pitch dark, there wasn't an ounce of light to be found, at one point I put my hand in front of my face and couldn't see it. I have to say that was a little freaky deaky!!! The waiter I should also mention is blind. Your waiter talks you through how the evening is going to unfold and from the moment you enter the dining room until you leave , you relinquish control to the unknown.
You have no idea who is in the room with you, other than the people you came with, you have no idea what anyone looks like, what your food looks like, the dishes, table, floor. The environment in which you are in is completely unknown.
For me, it didn't take long to realize when you lose one sense how quickly another becomes intensified. My sense of hearing was one that I had to rely on for two reasons, to listen to the waiters instructions and secondly, to enjoy the company of the people I was with. The same feelings were felt as everyone had to quickly learn to get over the anxiety of being in the dark and surrender to the change that was before us.
The other unique thing that struck me was, I am a left handed person but when it came to eat, my right hand took over as I felt the need to touch my food and feel my way around the table. It became important to remember the placement of everything on the table and you had to rely on the company you were with to help you.
Our waiter was patient, funny and he graciously talked us thru every step of the way helping to remove any anxiety people were feeling.
I knew going into the evening there was going to be something for me to learn, and learn I did.

  • Be grateful for and value the beauty that surrounds us each and every day
  • Remember the importance of tolerance and patience
  • Everyone has something to learn from someone
  • We rely on each other more than we realize 
  • We can adapt to change 
  • The unknown if we have the courage to face it, can bring about many wonderful experiences
  • Its fun eating chocolate mousse cake with your hands!!!
  • Sight is one sense...listening and touch are two senses this world needs more allows you to see with your heart and not your eyes and that can make a world of difference!!
If you have an opportunity to take in a new experience....GO FOR IT!!! 

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