Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Some Days.........

It feels like forever since I felt like writing. Writing something that expresses positive emotion, add value or at the very least spark a new perspective.
If the truth be known, lately It feels like there are cobwebs forming in my brain and the inspiration has all but packed its bags and vacated this body. It would be great if someone invented a giant straw that you could stick in your ear and if you blew hard enough, those cobwebs would blow right out the other side and take with it the emptiness. I suppose that kind of simplistic invention is meant for fictional cartoon movies.
On many occasions of late, I sit to write a poem and nothing comes....not one stinking thing. It's as if my ablity to express how feel from all that experience has vanished. There was a time not so long ago, the words would come so fast and furious , I couldn't wait to capture it . I made sure I had paper and pen all around me.
I have to admit, it is very frustrating and even down right embarrasing for someone like me to feel uninspired and blah. The one kind of party I hate to hold and be the guest of honor at is a pity party. Gosh, I of all people should know better. Then again, I never admitted to being perfect, not once. I'm human, maybe this blankness is my sign to stop thinking, writing or come up with anything inspirational. It's ok to take a step back from everything and remove the pressure. I'm sure I am not the first person to feel this, and I won't be the last.
I do put a lot of pressure on myself to be upbeat, inspirational, the optimist many say..we all do that don't we at times? Put pressure on ourselves..lesson to be learned there.

Still the reality remains..
Some days.......I am caught off guard by the negativity that exists
Some days............I wonder what life has in store for me
Some days......... ......I dream of all there is to experience while on this earth
Some days ................. I hope rebuilding isn't simply a term used in construction
Some days .......................I pray for peace and good health for so many
Some days .........................I forget that I am not super woman but just a woman
Some days ............................I remember all the beautiful feelings and relationships I hold dear
Some days........I lose my inspiration

In the end I know that ONE DAY..this too shall pass ...and the dust won't have time to settle on the keyboard and those cobwebs in my brain will be replaced with creativity and spark.

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