Sunday, September 25, 2011

Something I wrote: THE WORLD IS CHANGING

I was inspired to write this poem a few months back as parts of the middle east were fighting for their freedom and overturning rulers , mother nature was showing her power with the devasting effects of hurricanes, tornados and tsunamis. Despite the negativity, what I believe is important to focus on is how these events are bringing people together. Helping one another..
Within my own little world, dealing with my own troubles at times ,which in comparsion seem miniscule. When everyday stress seems to feel overwhelming I have to keep reminding myself of all there is to be grateful for. Change starts inside. It is hard is constant work..can I do it..YES I CAN..can you do it YES YOU CAN!!

I do hope you enjoy..and share this hope is for this poem to circulate around the world!

The World is Changing

The world is changing before my eyes

As rulers crumble and leaders rise

In every flower bursts a smile

The richness of colors I sit for awhile

To revel in the hope such a simple joy brings

Listen to the music playing as the angel sweetly sings

Overwhelming at times to comprehend how anger and hate stifle the air

With each raging fist and evil stare

People still fighting for a right to vote, to revenge a death, to love another

Why is it so hard to regard each other as a sister and brother?

It makes you wonder if we are ever truly free

When internally you discover you must let go so you can begin to see

Set aside your arrogance and ego for a time

Put yourself in the shoes of another it isn’t such a crime

Mother Nature is the mightiest force we will ever see

With conviction she is teaching lessons for you and me

All over the world homes, families, trinkets capturing memories are swiftly lost

The lessons of strength are being taught at a cost

A different set of emotions now fill the air

Is any of this just or fair?

As people find strength to begin from scratch

Hearts sheltered in hope like a hole in a pair of jeans with a brand new patch

I sit quietly and think about this emotion I am a hostage to that I can’t control

Its peace and love that resides deep in my soul

All of this anger and hate will it rid this world it’s hard to imagine and see

All I know for sure is that it can start with me

It doesn’t take long to feel the kindness from a warm embrace

To be captivated by the love and tenderness in a strangers face

It’s this kind of optimism that inspires me to the core of my soul

Living each day feeling grateful my striving goal

The world is changing before my eyes

As rulers crumble and leaders rise

Tracey Speares Copywrite ( 2011)

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