I have discovered through my own journey that once you discover you have a purpose while on this earth , you begin to live a life of purpose. Everything I choose to do has purpose and I have to say it is much more enjoyable and there are days when I don't even feel like I am working because I love what I do and I am attracting more of what makes me happy into my life...
Living a life of purpose doesn't have to be a huge complicated process. Quite simply it can be as joyful as cheering up a collegue who is having a bad day, playing with a child and laughing with them, holding the elevator door for someone, picking up a piece of garbage off the street and throwing it in the trash even if you were not the one who littered!
The key is discovering what you love to do, what get's you excited and brings a smile to your face and commit to adding more of that into your life every single day...
See the difference..feel the difference..!
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