How often have you had someone say to you time will heal or it will get better with time? Sound familar? I know for me, whenever someone says this to me It doesn't make me feel better, in fact quite the opposite. I feel as if the person doesn't understand my pain nor respect my feelings .
I know they are wanting to be supportive and it is said with the best of intentions however when you are going thru great heartache the last thing you want to hear are those words.
For anyone who has experienced heartache of any kind, it doesn't matter how big or small you know that time does not heal..its what you do in that time that heals. What is done in that time is different for all of us but what is important is to remember that although you may feel alone at times and no one understands...you are never alone and communication is so important.
Everyone is different..everyone deals with things in their own unique way..we have the best of intentions when someone we love is hurting..we want them to feel better and often we don't know how to help them especially when people shut down and stop talking.
From my own experience...a hug sure feels a lot better than hearing the words time will heal or it will get better with time ..how you make use of time helps to heal!
The great thing is ...Life goes on and with support , love, trust, faith and hope..there is light at the end of the tunnel if you are open to seeing it!!
Something to ponder!
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