Monday, June 13, 2016

The World Needs Love - Keep Looking with A Loving Heart!

In light of the attack in Orlando and in reading the various comments from political figures, media etc..the angry people who are using this as an excuse to fight hate with hate...
I wish not to comment from a political viewpoint but from my heart's viewpoint. These extreme unthinkable violent acts that are being committed by troubled souls Guess What?
I will not allow you to fill my heart with hate
I will not allow you make me fear or judge people of certain religions, sexual preference or humans in general
I will not allow you to make me fear going out in public
But here is what you have done for me...
I WILL continue to pray for the families and friends of the victims
I WILL focus more attention on LOVE and spreading it where I can
I WILL find creative ways to ensure people of all religions, sexual preferences feel welcomed, supported and treated with respect
I WILL continue to be kind & compassionate 
I WILL continue to dream of a world living in peace
"YOU MAY SAY I'm Dreamer...but I'm NOT the ONLY one..
I hope some day you will join us and the world will live as ONE!"