Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Impossible To Possible?

I had the privilege to not only sit beside and have dinner with Ray Zahab but to listen to him deliver a very inspiring presentation about his journey from not understanding his passion in life to running 7500km across the Sahara desert in 110 days. He is an adventure seeker in every sense of the word. Using his passion for marathon running to create a foundation designed to inspire youth through adventure. His story is indeed worth the read and his message worth the watch.
As I was listening and watching him , I could feel his passion and you could tell he believed in his mission. His message wasn't complicated, it wasn't difficult to digest at least for me..if you set your mind to do something and you believe in yourself ..anything is possible. He is living proof of that.
Your mind and attitude are key! 
I wanted to make sure I thought about what I could take away from having met Ray.  As I thought about it I was reminded of the following: 
  • The only limit to what we can achieve is in confines of our own mind. 
  • Every achievement is relative to our situation! 
  • The biggest step you can make is making that first small step..and focusing simply on doing the very best you can do!
  • Passionate people are on fire and their energy is hypnotic!

Ray's story and movie trailer can be found at

Hang around people with passion ..light your fire within..dare to be the best you! 
Peace and love