I started my day pretty much the same way I attempt to do most days, reading positive articles, and watching inspirational videos to help set the tone for my day when the video Love Letter came across in my facebook feed.
This caught my attention,such a simple act that has the potential to make a difference. For the courage of someone to have an idea , show the world how simple it can be and to act upon it... INSPIRING! To continue to encourage our society to do more of this stuff in my opinion is what makes a difference each and every day.
It feels like people are so quick to get wrapped up in ideas that promote technology, quick ways on how to make more money, how to lose weight fast but when it comes to matters of the heart..people shy away.
I began to wonder what it would feel like if I came across one of these letters randomly and read it, I began to reflect on how nice it is to hear someone say they love you, how good it feels to you yourself say those words. Words that have the power to heal, to express you care, to make you smile. Three little words..not difficult to spell, not hard to pronounce..yet so often the hardest for people to share, to say. Love is a tricky thing..we have all had our hearts broken and have been so overwhelmed by the joy of the feeling we understand the power it has.
What if we all wrote one letter a week and placed it in a shopping cart, on the bus, on a park bench?
What if we did indeed have the power to change the dynamics of thought through these simple acts of kindness?
There is one thing I know for certain, for as silly as this may seem to some, for those who don't believe a difference can be made....each of us has a choice.
I know the choice I am making..and for that reason my pen, paper and envelop will be coming out today and my first letter will be passed along this week.
Yes You Can ...make a difference!!