OMG..I can't seem to pull the trigger and jump on the electronic reader band wagon. I have for the past year debated about buying an eletronic reader because I am simply running out of space to house my collection of books.
Not wanting to feel like an archaic dinosaur, I started to open my mind to the possiblity it might be time to bite the bullet and invest in a Kobo or a Kindle, IPAD..etc...join the land of the electronic gadgets. Good God ,you can drive yourself insane with all the choices. How do you know what to buy. Each person you ask , has their own personal preference. After much investigation I have to say I am swaying toward the Kobo, not sure why other than it seems simple, it has the look of a book and it gives the feel like you are turning the pages.
I am a reader and I love my books..I love taking 3 hours + and roaming Chapters and picking up the books , there is something about holding a book that gets my juices flowing. Its turning the pages, and flipping over one end of a page to hold your spot , its reading in the bathtub and you know its a good book when its underlined and the pages are krinkled. I grew up with books, loved to be in the library surrounded by books..promised myself I would read them all one day! Kind of geeky eh! lol
One of my dreams was to own a home that had one room dedicated to books..with wall to wall shelves of books ..as my Aunt use to say..a lady should always have a "me room" a place where she could go that had all her favorite things. Don't get me wrong this lady has a "me room" and it has books but not the wall to wall shelves..lol
Downloading a book in an instant, storing 300+ books in one spot and having them all at your fingertips and not sacrificing space..seems like a good trade off and is tempting.
Will I cave to the electronic junky pressure or remain an archaic dinasaur forever loyal to the feel of turning the pages ?