"There comes a time in life, when u walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make u laugh, forget the bad and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat u right. Pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of LIFE ... Getting back up is LIVING ........ Re-post if you agree"
I have seen this post on facebook several times now and each time I see it, I read it and it makes me think. I thought about if I agreed or not and I guess after thinking about it I have mixed feelings.
I would like to offer a thought that might cause people think
We all, at one point in our life have created drama in one form or another. What exactly is DRAMA? Whether it was when you were a child and had that temper tantrum when you didn't get your own way or when you were a teenager and your boyfriend or girlfriend broke up with you or kissed another person and you were devasted. Perhaps it was when you lost a parent, a friend, a relative or special person in your life to death. Maybe it was dealing with divorce, or an issue at work, or within your own family.
When you are going thru a difficult time in your life.. you don't always do things correctly , act properly or make the best choices. You do the best you can with the skills you have, and you certainly may not act in a way everyone else expects you to.
When faced with challenges did you need support, someone to talk to, to help you , to listen to you, to just give you a hug, to be on your side? What if the people you loved walked away from you..what if they didn't want to have any part of your drama? How would you feel?
Is friendship, family and unconditional love not about caring for people regardless and not judging them but rather supporting them in good times and bad times?
Do you give up on your children everytime they make a mistake or behave inappropriate..how about the friend who loses their job has a family, mortage to pay, and is maybe having marital issues do you expect them to be of rational mind or is it reasonable to think they are stressed, worried ,scared? What about the people in Austrailia and Brazil who have lost their homes, in some cases family, have nothing but the clothes on their back..you see them crying, devasted, stressed, scared..that is DRAMA is it not? Would you walk away from them?
I agree there are times when we do need to remove ourselves from certain situations especially if people are not treating you well and you have done all you can to communicate how their actions are hurting you either mentally or physically. There is a proper place for having to remove toxic people.
Before you go removing someone from your life and judge them..be careful because one day and trust me that day will come when you have your own drama and you may not react or act appropriatly ..the people you remove may not be there for you and they may be the very people you need or can give you support because they have been thru what you are going thru!
What I do agree with is ,we should surround oursleves with people who love us and want the best for us, treat us kindly , love them and cherish them. Life is too short to waste.
Those who are wise understand no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes..unconditional love is a gift
Be gentle with your heart and with the hearts of others because you really don't know what people are going thru or what their coping skills are at the time..if you aren't prepared to ask or communicate that's ok but don't blame others ..it's yourself you really should take a look at!
If you have knowledge to share that could help them is it really that hard to show some compassion, empathy and support..or is it just easier to walk away and turn the other cheek?
Just my opinion and something to ponder...