Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tips On Staying Organized During the Holidays

Now that Santa has made his appearance and officially kicked off the Holiday season the decorations in the house are slowly turning from fall colours to spurts of Christmas red and green. The outside lights are up..and in a couple of weeks the tree will make it's way to the living room

For some this time of year is stressful beyond belief ..whether it is searching for the perfect christmas gifts for loved ones, preparing the house for dinner parties , cooking, decorating, wrapping, visiting, dealing with family, ..people get so stressed out wanting to create the perfect setting they forget to enjoy the spirit of the season. Its easy to get caught up in the commerical side of holidays that the true meaning of these times is pushed aside..

Here are a few tips I found useful during the holidays:

  1. Laugh lots and allow yourself to be a kid..enjoy the season thru a childs enthusiam

  2. Remember the spirit of the isn't about being "perfect"..enjoy what you are doing and if you don't enjoy it..stop ..breath..and ask yourself why you are doing it

  3. Use a calender..keep track of events you commit to and pencil in time to do nothing..yes nothing and let the day evolve as it may

  4. Make a list of all the To do items it will help you keep track of things and allow you to prioritize whether it is gift list , food list, decorating list, christmas card list etc

  5. Keep all your gift reciepts in one spot. Get an envelope and each time you buy a gift put the receipt in the envelop. That way when you need them they are not scattered around the house , car or your purse

  6. Time management- Don't leave things to the last minute unless of course you are one of these people who works best under pressure!

  7. Make use of storage bins for your decorations and label things so its easy to find

  8. When you put decorations away from one season to the next don't just throw them in the box ..Christmas lights all tangled oh ya been there done that ..and when the season rolls around again you are frustrated before you even begin!

  9. Get out and play in the snow..yes play in the snow at least once!

  10. Give and speak from your heart..

If you stay organized during the holidays it certainly helps you to enjoy them a lot more..and remember stay calm and don't worry about being "perfect"...

Take control of the holidays don't let them take control of you!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just When You Think Its Impossible!

Have you ever wanted to do something and thought...there is no way I can do that, or I don't have the talent or skill?

Check out this video..People are Awesome http://

When I watched this video all I could think was WOW! These may be extreme accomplishments however it brings to light three very important points:

1. You can do amazing things with practice and hard work. I am sure to achieive what these people did it took hours of trail and error and lots of bumps and bruises before they nailed it!

2. Don't takes perservance , confidence and a great deal of courage to keep going until you achieve your goal. No matter how crazy it is long as it is something you are passionate about..keep going regardless of what others think

3. The importance of support! A support system will help you do great things..surround yourself with people who believe in you and will encourage you to follow your heart!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Dare to be Different

Ever watch someone who isn't afraid to express themselves , who dares to be different? Do you see the sparkle in their eye, the strut in their stride?

Freedom to be yourself ,share your talents and gifts with the people around you,allowing yourself to learn from others...what a wonderful opportunity for growth and to experience joy!

"Why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you were born to stand out" Oliver James

Go ahead strut your stuff..our world could use every eye to sparkle..imagine the beauty!


Friday, November 5, 2010

"Value has Value only if its Value is Valued"

A friend sent me this email today , and Bryan Dyson makes a great deal of sense! I am always a little leary of these types of things because you never know if it is truly from the person or not. However, regardless the message is a good one.

In these economic times with the stress of higher prices on just about everything..people are working harder in order to support their families and pay the bills. Stress has a funny way of causing us to lose perspective. Empoyers are asking people to do more for less and the job market has only now started to rebound stress is in the eyes of many.

I thought this was a great reminder to share as the message is simple yet powerful and one we all need a little reminding of from time to time!
