Thursday, July 29, 2010

Help Support The Fight Against Women Cancer

As you all may have heard on the radio, TV, the 60km Weekend to End Women’s Cancer walk is taking place again this year Sept 11-12th in Toronto . In 2006, I embarked on this incredible journey and it truly was an experience I will never forget. The commitment and the passion of each person who dedicated their time to help raise $2000 each and joined together to walk on these two days sharing in a common dream…to find a cure was indeed special ! Often we don’t think one person can make a difference until one person suddenly joins forces with 4999 other one persons which were ultimately supported by thousands of one get the picture..that year over $11 million dollars was raised.

This year I am not walking but I have the privilege to be a volunteer and participate on the Johnson & Johnson pit crew and will be joining other volunteers on Saturday working behind the scenes to support the walkers. Johnson & Johnson Medical has joined forces with other Johnson & Johnson companies and committed to raising $45,000 alone from the Markham facility! The Johnson & Johnson Family is committed to raising $116,500.00.

“Caring for the World… person at a time inspires and unites the people at the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies. We embrace research and science – bringing innovative ideas, products and services to advance the health and well-being of people” together this team is dedicated to achieving this vision.

The JJMP team of walkers are passionate, kind and caring men and women with whom I have the honor to work with every day who have dedicated their time over the last several months fundraising and will walk in Sept to help find a cure in honor of loved ones whom they have either lost, or don’t ever want to lose or be subjected to this horrible disease.

I am asking for your help and support. If you are able to make a small donation to any member of the JJMP team, it would be greatly appreciated . The link below will bring you to the Team Johnson & Johnson site, listed there are all the team members . Select someone from the JJMP team who hasn’t reached their fundraising goal and help them get one step closer. We are dedicated as a team to reach this $45,000 commitment.

Courtney Cole

Cindy Cote

Diane Elliot

Faryar Foroodi

andrea freund

Shannon Henry

Heather Hughes

Vasuki Jeyendran

Pierre Lariviere

Carmen Lattuca

Richelle Little

Tracey MacKinnon

Isabelle Mannella

Melissa McNally

Tom Meevis

Wanda Mendes-Donko

Jennifer Merendino

Karen Morrow

Amanda Ng

Gabby Nobrega

Kristen Paan

Tammy Purdon-Harris

Jeff Smith

Janice Steven

Carole Suckling

Marilyn Tom

Jocelyne Williamson

Once again, thank you for your support . I know I have a caring network who have been touched by this disease in some way, often we aren’t sure exactly how to help and this is a small way in which we each can join together for a common find a cure!

Every donation helps no matter how big or small.

Thank you for helping Team Johnson & Johnson!!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Is there deeper meaning ?

Each year I spend a traditional weekend away with 5 incrediable ladies. Friends who give up a weekend away from family to enjoy the sisterhood of spending 4 days chin wagging, sharing life's ups and downs, laughing and solving the problems of the world with 5 crazy ladies! We have been doing it for 15 years and each weekend is filled with new experiences and memories, a weekend each of us looks forward to.

This year I was paying particular attention to the nature that surrounded me..drawn to it more than I have ever been. The beautiful sunrises, sunsets, the sun bouncing off the water and the dragon flies. Being in the moment wasn't hard to do.

I was particularly drawn to this interesting insect that kept flying around and landing on me.

With my peaked curosity and interest in animal totems I looked up the meaning of the dragon fly.

"Dragonflies carry messages that deal with deeper thought - and they ask that we pay attention to our deeper thoughts and desires.Further symbolic insect meaning of dragonfly comes into play when we observe the dragonfly's mode of transportation as it skitters across the top of water surfaces. This implies that our deeper thoughts are surfacing and we must be mindful of the outcome we wish to have.
The Dragonfly lives a short life, and it knows it must live to the fullest with what it has. This lesson is huge for each of us. When you see a dragonfly, be aware of the gifts it has to offer." source what's your sign

The dragon fly also symbolizes
good luck

What a comforting learning...I knew the dragon fly was hanging around for a reason!

What a beautiful reminder!

Live life to the fullest!
